
40w/5d and soooo over this pregnancy!?

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I have had a verrrry hard pregnancy! and I'm completely over this! I feel awful for saying that because I feel like I should still be happy that I'm pregnant and be enjoying these last few days with alone with my husband. But its hard!! My home is completely ready and I just want him home! My doctor hasn't talked to me about induction or anything because he says my body is not ready and it will really stress me and the baby out a lot (I'm only 1cm and 50% effaced and baby is at -3).

I'm starting to feel like I'll be pregnant forever! Is this normal??




  1. yes!!! you are so normal!!! i felt that way with my son!! he was a week late and i thought he was never gonna come...dont worry the baby will come when it is ready =)

  2. I'm so sorry....I work at a daycare and one of the parents just had her baby yesterday.  She was 10 days overdue and this is her 5th baby!  I hope yours comes sooner than that!

  3. My friend was 16 days past her due date.  In do time.  Once your at 41 weeks ask to be induced.  

  4. yeah this is normal, i felt like i was gonna be pregnant forever at 35 weeks!! it will come soon enough don't rush it, the due date can be off by up to two weeks so anything over 42 weeks and they should induce you. if they dont i would seriously go to someone else!!!

  5. I've been right there with you! My second pregnancy started on Labor day 1998, and ended 2.5 weeks later. My whopper of a son was 3 weeks late to the day! First labors can last as long as 24 hours if there is no stress to the baby. I labored hard for 2 full days until my water broke, and meconium was present in the amniotic fluid. Then everything intensified, and 10 hours later a c-section was performed due to his 11 lb 14 oz size! Just tough it out honey, they are so worth all of the pain and suffering...

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