
40weeks and 3 days and now i more depressed than ever?

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I'm excited about the baby, but now im extremely depressed. The father is a jerk. We aren't together anymore since last week. It's killing me knowing that its a friday and he is more than likely with some other girl. That was the reason we broke up. I'm doing all I can to stay positive right now, but it's so hard feeling this rejected. I know once the baby is here, i wont feel so alone. But for now i just don't now what to do. Has anyone gone through this or have any ideas how to get over it? It doesnt matter what I do, i cant stop thinking about it.




  1. Truth is... Your going to feel depressed and mad and just about any emotion you can think of. You can be told all kinds of solutions that will probaley ease the pain but it won't go away. This is something you have to go through. Its part of life. You should think of one thing though when you get upset about him or who hes with. Your doing something that is one of the most imporant things you'll ever do...your growing a life inside of you. No body else can grow that life or know how it feels but you. Thats your baby in there becoming more developed every day growing little arms and toes and little ears. Your doing this inside your body all by yourself without him. You can think about him having fun and dating and all this stuff while you sit alone and thats perfectly normal for you to be depressed about. Cry, let it out, be angry, cuss, stomp, scream! Do what makes you feel better, but never forget your superiour to him in so many ways cause what your doing has meaning, its something he can never experience and probaley will never understand. You are a woman and now a mother, and No man can take that from you.

  2. You are right, he is a jerk.  Imagine leaving a woman just days away from having your baby!   What is the matter with some men.

    You need support - do you have a mother, sister, close friend, work colleage, neighbour or church member who you get on with and who is fun and friendly who can maybe come and stay with you, keep you company, take care of you and keep your spirits up?  It would only be for a few days, you'll probably have your baby any minute.

    Try and surround yourself with people who love and support you and you'll feel much better about this who thing.  You just need a distraction.  Try and get well before you give birth because after the baby is born you'll be in a pickle if you get post-natal depression.

    When you go into hospital to have your baby make sure you let them know what's happened to you so they can take special care of you.

    (Get a photo of him, blow it up on a photocopier, and make a wanted poster "Have You Seen This Dog?" - then tape it to telegraph poles and on community noticeboards all over town.  It will kill his dating life)

  3. have u tried talking to ur parents, friends, or other relatives.  u shoodnt be alone at this time and definitaly get help when the baby get here! ull need it.

    advice: sometime soon rent a movie and watch it with friends and family.

    also visit ur parents! theyll help!

    good luck! : D

  4. You are 40 wks and 3 days. This makes you feel like all you have is time on your hands while waiting for the arrival. Everything is on hold until that moment. IT is tough when anxious and frustrated. Try to distract yourself as much a s possible now. What he is doing tonight perhaps it was best if he was going to flake out to do so now. Emotionally after delivery can be a time of plummeting hormones and that would have been worse.

    Focus on the good a healthy and safe delivery. Good luck

  5. GURL, i kicked mine out at 4 months pregnant and am due any day now...if he cant act right and act like a man then you dont need him...pee on him..let him pay child support for the rest of his life..its clear that he's a boy if he's out chasing tail when your ready to pop any minute...your a strong woman and your body being able to give birth is proof of that.  God wouldnt have made women so strong if men didnt act the way they do.  Men are mostly idiots.  You can do this and soon your precious baby will be here and the selfish idiot that is his dad shouldnt be allowed to even be around you in labor if he cant stick around now.  You pull yourself together and remember how strong you are. I know your miserable..i am too..being so big and all..but you lay down your terms and if he doesnt want to follow them, then he's too selfish to bother focus on you and your baby right now...your baby deserves all of you.  

    good luck and i hope you have an easy delivery!

  6. To be honest, your depression may get worse after you have the baby. Your hormones are out of control and they drop so fast that you can experience even a mild form of post partum depression. However, you have to look on the bright side that you are going to raise a wonderful child with or with out his/her  father. If you have any family I would try calling them and maybe staying with them or asking them to stay with you for a few days. IF you don't have close family, maybe a close friend. If you are totally alone, You could call a counselor to talk to. I would just keep thinking of the beautiful baby that you are bringing into the world and how you are going to raise them the best that you can.

  7. I am so sorry to hear this. You may try talking to your doctor about it because alot of that is hormonal. And I don't want to be a bubble-burster, but it may not go away once the baby is born. i know I had pretty bad Post Partum depression that lasted for a couple of weeks. The doctor can recommend something to do or even give you something for it. If you can afford it, therapy may help too. Also, look online and find a group of women that are going through the same thing you are. Knowing you are not alone can really help! One thing that really helped me was to become a member of and go to the forums in there. They have forums for ladies that are due the same time as you. For instance I was due June 11 of 07 and they had a message board just for women due in June of '07. It was so amazing to be in touch with people who shared my same interests and complaints! Good luck sweetie. You can overcome this!

  8. be glad your rid of that jackass now than later.

    your going to be a wonderful mother and your baby is looking forward to meeting you!

  9. well you should talk to your family or your dr. because while a new baby brings joy, it can also bring post-partum depression. and if you're already feeling down, that can be very dangerous for you and your baby if you continute to feel worse. well if you broke up because he was unfaithful, you're better off anyway. and the only thing that will  make you get over him is time, and when you meet someone else. but for now, I would get the last minute things done if you havent already, like getting ready for the hospital trip and make sure you have a good support team, close family and friends.

    But since he's the father of your baby, you will have to deal with him for the next few years to come so you'[ll have to stay on good terms becuase of the baby, I mean be civil to each other, you dont want to bash him infront of your baby. But all that matters is that you and your family are there and love the baby and he/she will appreciate the ones who are in his/her life.  

  10. i'm so sorry, it didn'tt happen to me, but it happened to a friend of mine, the only thing i can recomend is to stay w/ a family member so they can help you get through it.

  11. stay with family or friends you need to be around people right now...especially when you go into labor.

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