
40wks tmw & dr appt.. have a question..?

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last week my doctor told me if i dont go in labor before well tomorrow she will start to talk to me about inducing. before i get to the question before anyone says anything i know you could go as far as 42 weeks (i soo dont want to go that long ill go i've been walking and s*x and everything but pills and oils to help NATURALLY induce labor. i am 2cm dilated (as of last week) and not thinning :'(.

now my question is should i see if my husband can go with me to the appointment? since i know my doctor will start to talk to me about inducing and my options. im not sure whether to have him come with me or just tell the doctor to think it over and talk to him after my appointment..




  1. Personally, I would take him because you never know what your doctor is going to determine whats best for you .  I know I would like to have my husband there just incase your doctor wants to pick a date then and there.

  2. It's up to you !

    But, the doctor will still talk to you with or without your husband been there..

  3. ummm this is your decision but doesn't really make a difference I don't think... you'll probably talk about it after any way.  

  4. i would take my husband, that way you won't feel ganged up on and be talked into something that you don't want to do.  also he'll be there to ask any questions that he may have and the two of you can go home and talk it over together. definitely don't go in alone if you may have to make a decision.

  5. When I was pregnant with my daughter I told my husband that I wanted him to be at every appointment from 36 weeks on because you never know when your doctor is going to say "Oh, you need to go to the hospital now"! So I would recommend taking him with you!

    As for the induction, my advice is WAIT! Unless there's something concerning going on with the baby that makes it necessary for the birth to happen right away, it will be so worth it for you to wait to go into labour naturally. I had an induction and it was so awful. The contractions are way stronger, harder, and more painful. You're stuck in your bed with machines all hooked up to you so you can't really move to handle the pain. Trust me, if you can wait, it's better to!

    My midwife knows this time that I don't want an induction scheduled any earlier than the day before I turn 42 weeks unless there is a medical reason to do so. You've waited 40 weeks, you can wait another week or so! Take this time to enjoy it just being you and your husband because you won't get that again for a very long time!

  6. Oh, you actually give your husband options on attendance? :-)  I let him out of the first one, but he’s not allowed to miss after that. I think he should be there.

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