
41.6% of people surveyed in one city don't want to make sacrifices to prevent global warming. Where?

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The answer is Tokyo, and the people there obviously haven't been brainwashed by the Big Lie of our era, "global warming" that has been debunked by hundreds of prominent scientists.

Of course, liberal Yahoo doesn't present the lie-busting facts on its front page.

Now apparently, Japan has not been influenced that much by the rantings of that nutcase liberal lunatic (and fat porker hypocrite), Al Gore.

Okay, well I actually did answer my own question, so I'll ask another: Do you believe in the global warming big lie? I thought you liberals always trusted scientists and believed their findings. Why are you not belieiving them?




  1. Who WANTS to make sacrifices for anything?

    Maybe masochists.  Or people with a lot of personal guilt.   But me, I don't want to make any sacrifices for anything.  Ever.   Sometimes I HAVE to make them.  But I never want to make them.

    I worry about the 58.4% that want to make sacrifices.

    What's up with that?

  2. I read that and thought,the Japanese are smart enough to know there is nothing they can do to make it hotter or colder.

    Good for them.

  3. regardless of how you (and apparently about half of Tokyo) want to split hairs on the issue of climate change or whatever it is called now, I think we need to try reduce the amount of energy we consume to help with pollution.

    So even though gas is approaching $4.00/gallon, you still think we should continue on our wasteful over consumption?

    I don't understand why you republicans are so brainwashed to believe everything your party tells you. Try thinking for yourself instead of blindly following your party, just because you have some kind of problem with Al Gore.

  4. Lets forget Global warming for a second .

    Do you want to stop air pollution ,contamination of water and soil???

    Do you want to stop senseless slaughter of animals causing their extinction.,?

    Do you want to stop deforestation or  desertification,?

    Do you want to behave more responsible with the Environment ,not putting an  unreasonable demand on

    our bio resources,whilst wasting enormous amounts ,which in turn causes pollutions.?

    Are you concerned about living in harmony with Nature ,living in a sustainable manner,with limited numbers following the laws of Nature(such as  the law of equilibrium) ?

    ,like everything else that is alive.

    Just in case it was yes to even 41.6% of the above mentioned ,it would inadvertently also help lessen the possibilities of us adding to Global warming as well as being a nice guy who wants to conserve our home.

    this is what could be called being conservative in the true sense

    But somehow I doubt you will see it in that light so

    I guess your answer will be No,

    does this then make you a liberal???

    All any reasonable, filthy ,liberal , damned, SOB, god forsaken .low down Environmentalist ,ever asks of any body is a change of Attitude ,which cost nothing and is hardly as grand as a sacrifice.

  5. I guess most of the rest of the world is also "liberal Yahoo" as well.

  6. it wouldn't have surprised me if you said those results were from london, your average joe thinks that man made global warming is bull.

    If the government stopped using 'global warming' as an excuse to tax us, and instead told us we need to go green to reduce pollution which is damaging our own health and also to be more self suffient which will be beneficial to us if climate change ever does go mental, i think people would listen, but instead they are blaming us for causing global climate change and making us pay for it, when they don't actually have any proof, which quite frankly, p!sses people off.

    GEEWHIZ - do you talk like Brian Blessed or is your capslock stuck


  8. Do you think the rest of the world cares about Al Gore and what he says?

    How insular.

    Especially as the United States is the only country who has declared their intention not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. (combatting global warming)

    Which 178 states across the world have already signed and ratified.

    So Al Gore has convinced all those other countries about this 'big lie' even though most people in those countries have likely never heard of him?

    As for Tokyo they kill whales and chop off sharks fins. They are not exactly known for their environmental movements!

    My apologies to any Japanese people who are environmentalists because I am sure there are many good ones as well. It's not my intention to offend just to make a point about 41.6% not caring.

  9. I have read in various journals that the ice caps are indeed melting, while it may not be as alarming as some are making it out to be, they are reducing in size.

    Al Gore is actually a very intelligent man, much more so than our current Commander-in-Chief.

  10. Ah, wow Aya O., I believe the country you're looking for is Japan.  Tokyo is a city IN Japan.

    Anyway, their media is a lot different from ours.

    I am a conservative, not a liberal.  I don't believe that Global Warming is man made, because back when the Vikings were out searching and colonizing Greenland and Nova Scotia, those places were lush fertile farm land, not bitter cold icy places.  Glaciers are melting, yes, but they're revealing farms.  It was far warmer back then, and there were no SUV's, no coal run power plants, no plastic bottles, no alarmists making everyone panic.

    And it is now almost June, yes parts of the world are warm or at the normal temperature, but far more places are cooler than normal, take for instance the upper mid-west.  It was about 45 degrees where I live (in that region) yesterday.  That is WAY below average.

    Spring is about 2 weeks behind where it should be, that is another reason why I don't believe in Man-Made global warming.

  11. Well, you can see the proof of Global Warming if you dare to look......the ice caps are melting away, the amount of Energy we as a people waste is appalling........I do believe, as you  do, that Al Gore is a huge hypocrite, but that doesn't mean that I dont see the truth of global warming.........

  12. Tokyo is the most environmentally friendly country on the planet they are insane environmentalists already how much more should one TINY country do? look at the U.S.A. or China or India and then make comment's they say they would like to change global warming but are all talk.

  13. Obviously, you don't understand the reference that their opinion was based on. They are already "green" compared to the US.

  14. If Global Warming is a "big lie," then how do you explain the FACT that Mt. Kilimanjaro, Greenlands Ice Sheet, Alaskas permafrost, and countless other areas are actually MELTING?  Look at pics from 15 or 20 years ago and you can see an ALARMING DIFFERENCE in all of the above named!!  Last time I checked, snow and ice only melt when the temps climb higher.  EXPLAIN THAT TO ME, PLEASE!  If you have a better explanation, I would love to hear it!  My theory is that the people who say global warming doesn't exist, are the ones that are not willing to make the small changes in their daily lives to help stop it.  And that is too bad, because once you start doing these small things, you will find out that "being green" really doesn't take that much effort.

  15. Does this mean that 59% of Tokyoites are willing to make personal sacrifices in order to prevent the most serious consequences of global warming from happening?

  16. I read that on Yahoo! just before coming here.

    Reminded me of the parable of the two son's when their father asks if they'll do something: One says 'yes' but does nothing and the other says 'no' but, then, does what his father asked.

    In this case, the issue is less a spiritual concern and, arguably, not even an issue of climate change. I'm not a theologian nor a competent climatologist.

    But, as a business person - often required to use a little psychology - I most DEFINITELY am very concerned for the future of our U.S. economy and our blindness to the reality that all the fossil energy in the world CAN be used up.

    Very possibly, with 20 times the demand of the late seventies (mistyped as '1988' in prev question...oops), and given the reality that the quality of crude diminishes as a reservoir nears the big "E" for empty, we are.......

    IN FOR A BIG JAW-DROPPIN' SURPRISE....IF we don't keep up in the race for NON-SEQUESTERED energy.


  17. Instead of just posting an extract that pushes one agenda here is the link to the story with all the details.

    Its sounds more like they just don't wan't to give up a lifestyle.

    And how environmental is Japan, ask a Whale.


    The link you supply only makes this look sillier, Micheal Savage is an idiot out for publicity. e.g. On his cover page is a story about a new survey that states "Less Than 1/2 of Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory" it is a link to a dailytech story on a paper by Dr. Klaus-Martin Schulte which they obtained, in what they call a pre-publication copy (Aug 07) what they fail to mention or update, is that this paper was rejected. This is pretty typical of the denier movement, anyone who thinks this is happening is called a religious nut or lover of Al Gore, and yet a serious look at most of the evidence of the anti GW theories seems to lead back to Arthur Robinson, Fred Singer or the Heartland Institute or the Oregon Institute which is just Arthur Robinson again!

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