
416 child custody hearing: I'm so confused!?

by Guest59189  |  earlier

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Have these children been kinapped? why are they all in that building? and what is polygamist? its been on the news all day but i still dont understand what is going on!




  1. They were alll children of people who were part of the cult and lived on the compound.  questionable things were done to them with some of the most extreme things being sexual abuse.  They were all taken away and the polygamists at the compund are under investigation for various forms of child abuse.  I hope they lock them up and throw away the key.

  2. a polygamist is someone who has more than one spouse(women in this case)

    There were over a hundred women at the camp and I have to assume these children are theirs.

  3. i live just 200 miles east from there and believe me its about time that they got this situation taken care of. it is sad how one man can marry more then one person even to a child. i believe that is distasteful and it should not be tolerated. im glad that the kids are removed and i hope that the parents will NEVER return to the compound.

  4. i think the story is about young girls who are being forced into a marriage at a young age and i think polygamous means multiple marriages at once so i guess they want to take all 416 kids away from their parents because of what they are making them do

  5. No they have not been kidnapped.  The government has taken them away from their parents for fear that the children are being sexually abused.  They claim to have found some teenagers pregnant or with babies.  There are also claims that these children are forced to marry once they are of age, which is around 14 or so.  Totally illegal in the US. Polygamy is when a man has more than one wife and once again this is an illegal practice.

  6. i don't know if  they were kidnapped or not...

    but this is a mormon thing.

    a polygamist is a MAN who has more than one wife...

    it doesn't work for women. like i said, its a mormon thing (i'm not mormon, i just know a little about this sad disgusting cult)

  7. so are the lawyers.


    this site tells you all about the new with this.

    No the children weren't kidnapped they were born/raised there by there family. The ranch is/was run/ran by a renegade Mormon group that advocates polygamy.

    The term polygamy (a Greek word meaning "the practice of multiple marriage")  Polygamy can be defined as any "form of marriage in which a person [has] more than one spouse."

  9. These people belong to the FLDS church. They were all Mormons but broke with the church after it outlawed Polygamy (having man wives). The people all live together on this compound. The women wear pioneer dresses and wear their hair like that to be modest. The police raided the compound after a 15 year old girl called and said her 50 yeard old husband beat and raped her. In Texas anyone under 16 is not allowed to marry even with consent. This place was "spiritually marrying" young girls to old men. They took all the kids because they suspect child abuse, physical and sexual.

  10. i no, i just went search for it my self.

    polygamy is when a man (or woman) has more than 1 spouse

    it's really sad and sickening

  11. these people are child molesters with a religious angle ,,,they have already been in trouble in 2 states and ran to Texas to try it again ,,,most of them are convicted s*x offenders,and their leader Warren Jeff's is in prison for child molestation and arranged marriages of 12 and 13 year olds to 50 year old relatives

  12. look it up on abc nexs and you can read a full report and video

    a palygamist is someone who has several wives, and up to a hundred children.

    what happened in this case was there was a palygamist cult in texas, and forced their children to marry old men and make babies with them as soon as they got their period for the first time, which could be as young as 10.

    like i said if u want more info go to


  13. CALM DOWN.

    Read the news, go online.  Do you live in a rain barrel?

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