
42 inch big screen got wet and shut off?

by  |  earlier

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it is pouring where i live and my roof leaked in my apartment and it was all down the back of my 42 inch akai big screen. It was on at the time. I didnt hear it pouring because i was listening to music but i turned around to look in time to see a screen saver type thing come up on the screen and then it shut off and wont come back on... can this be fixed by simply drying it out, or is it going to cost a lot to get it fixed? OR is it broke for good? Any suggestions as to what to do to fix it if possible?




  1. You won't know until it drys out and you try it. Make sure it is COMPLETELY dry.

    It is possible it has some internal circuit breakers to cut off power when it senses a power problem and it "may" be okay.

    But it is just as likely you fried a component by shorting it out.

    I know the screens are a big part of the cost so I know a bad or broken screen usually condemns them to junk. But I can't tell you cost of replacing a board(s).

    I think it would be worth getting an estimate on repair if it doesn't work when dry.

    Good Luck.

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