
43% of Kids in CA are Hispanic. Will it Become 80%? Will California be Given to Mexico?

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43% of Kids in CA are Hispanic. Will it Become 80%? Will California be Given to Mexico?




  1. The mexicans are a band of gypsies. The current government is corrupt and the population  as a whole is dispicable. They encroach upon our land, they're criminals, and they're lazy.

    Bet you can't name one truly great thing Mexicans have ever done.

    (Besides cheese dip and the burrito, of course).

    Edit: I take it back, they're not all lazy.

  2. I suppose it could become 80%.  People always see trends and get carried away with them though.  They usually don't last.  California will not be given to Mexico.

  3. Aye, no. Solo hablando español :3 lo aprenda y va a ser bueno :3

  4. I thought the percentage was higher but never the less what difference does it make? Most the Hispanics i know are just as different in there views as we are it's not like there some kind of monolithic group.Most are hard working and honest people that have there cultural differences just as non hispanics do.The important thing is that they are American or become American as almost every Mexican person i know  dislikes the image that the reconquista bunch presents,so i doubt if they will want to turn CA over to Mexico..

  5. If the Reagan cons get their way, your bet.  If you're unhappy about being overrun with illegals, thank a Reagan republican.  It was his idea to give them all amnesty.  Since most of them are Catholic conservatives, he thought it be a brilliant idea to import a bunch of them here.

  6. That us conservative's plan.  Let a grossly liberal state be overrun by illegals, sell it back to Mexico, and give us an advantage on upcoming elections.  Brilliant.

  7. Silly question, is it really possible from a constitutional point of view to declare independence? Is so, wouldn't texas be annexed all ready?

  8. Yes, it will be Mexifornia

  9. will u stop your racism??? know that before CA belonged to Spain and Mexico so it's a little normal if there are many hispanic people there... but if u're unhappy u r free to move somewhere else between white people

  10. yeah probably

    i went into wal mart today and the signs that were hanging from the ceiling were in spanish.

    gosh us americans cant even read our own language in our own freaking country.

  11. California could survive on it's own without Mexico or the rest of the USA.


    The only state that could do it. Cali is great and I am a proud Californian.

    Your numbers are screwed up by the way.

  12. I say give it to Spain  

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