my lmp was on june 14, took clomid on days 3 - 7 of cycle.. period lasted for 6 days. On June 25 which was 12 days into my cycle had a bit of pink - brown discharge for not even a night and then a bit again the next morning which was the 26 but didn't need a pad..
my husband and i had intercourse on june 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th and 30th and then again on july 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th at 1am.. still testing negative today on hpt and i have been getting alot of cervical mucus lately for the past 2 weeks
i haven't had any symptoms except a bit of frequent urination but not so much.. do you think i could be pregnant or does it sound like a big fat no? because if i were pregnant shouldn't it show up by now on a hpt?
by the way my periods are very irregular which is why my doctor put me on clomid but in may when i took the clomid, i got my period 27 days later which was june 14.. what do you all think?