
$482 Billion Budget Deficit?

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Since Vice President Cheney has assured us that "deficits don't matter", should Americans be concerned about the new record deficit?

And is it possible that deficits do matter after all and that Mr. Cheney might have been mistaken about this or possibly lying like a neocon pig?




  1. The defecit is not that much.

    Sure it does not cover the interest on the debt, sure its another half trillion that will cost us 2 trillion in a year, but hey....How do you expect the politicians to increase the money then need next year?

    Surpluses (allthough they dont cover debt interest) hint towards a SMALLER government! :O

  2. you know what will take all your debt away, at least it wont increase? Abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve bank, that has a monopoly over your whole country and if you dont understand how they have control of the country then spend 1h watching this doc it will change your life.

  3. since when are Liberals upset about government spending? All the Democrats complained about the last 7 years were..."it doesn't go far enough" (their favorite line).

    The country needs a fiscal Conservative, and the Liberals want another Left wing spender. Nice.

  4. d**k don't make mistakes.

    d**k don't lie.

    d**k not a pig.

    d**k don't like being ridiculed.

    d**k would like to invite you to a bird hunt.

  5. We definately need to vote for Obama in 2008. If you think the budget deficit is bad, check out the national debt Bush has racked up.

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