
4H in Jersey...?

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Is there a good 4H club in Western New Jersey around the philipsburg pitstown bloomsbury alpha asbury felkmington area anywhere? or like near these towns? are you in it? what animals and stuff do they do? is it fun? when does it meet? I live near these towns and want to join.....I love animals especially horses which I ride but dont own and I own a dog and a few chickens and I want to be a farmer.......




  1. 4-H is a program for ALL young people and young adults.  Its roots developed from an agricultural base yet has grown to offer a multitude of various projects that are fun, enjoyable and a great learning experience for rural members as well for those from the city.  It is not just for kids with livestock, it includes art, rockets, public speaking, dog care, veterinary science, model cars and the list goes on.  There is something for nearly everyone so ask locally to find a club.  

    Take a look at your state's 4-H website and check out the different links.  Click on "contact" and then click on the link to take you to the different county offices.  There you may contact your local county office and find the club that will help you get involved.  4-H is great fun, but you have to get involved, they are not there to entertain you, so good luck and best wishes.

  2. Call your local County Extension Agent, they have a person especially for working with youth and the 4-H program. They can answer all of your questions and help you get started.

  3. i can't help you with the 4-h in jersey issue, because i live in ilinois. but four-h is a great idea. if you connect with a local barn or stable, you can probably start taking riding lessons if you haven't. you can also show your dog. i have shown mine and taken him to illinois state fair,  you can usually show in obedience, showmanship, and dog care. if you want anymore  information, feel free to message me.

  4. usually the municipality will have information about it. 4-H is usually an agriculturally based club, with dairy, beef, horses, sheep, ect. Ask around. Usually the 4-H runs in a county and if you live in that county that is the 4-H club you belong to.
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