
4month old need advise or help

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i want to get her on a better schedule and advise

or schedule you use?




  1. hmmmm your question is too fogy... i dont think i understand what you it feeding schedule? or sleeping?

  2. Who do you want to get on a better schedule? The baby or the mom?

  3. My baby is also around four months and we do not schedule her.  She eventually created her own routine that is predictable but is definitely not a schedule.  She is breast fed and it is not recommended to schedule them but let them eat on demand.  My daughters routine is...

    wake up


    diaper change



    Currently the whole cycle takes about 2.5 hours and then she starts all over again.

  4. i don't really get what your asking..sorry

  5. I also have a 4 mo/ old and honestly we don't schedule. He is my 6th child and I never put any of them on a schedule until they were a bit older.

    However if you want to start your baby on a schedule, figure out what you want her schedule to be and then begin doing it. She may cry for a few days when you put her to bed if she isn't sleepy, but soon she willl learn that being put in the crib means going ot sleep.

    I am not sure I would schedule her feeds yet att his age tho. Babies grow alot at this age and when they have a growth spurt she will be hungry more and need to eat.

    Good Luck

  6. We didn't have a schedule until about 6 months.  It just kind of fell into place.  My son gets a bottle in the morning.  A couple hours later he gets solids.  Then a nap.  Then he gets up and has another bottle.  Plays for a while.  More solids.  More play.  Later in the afternoon he will have another nap.  When he gets up he has another bottle.  More play and more solids.  Then a final bottle before bed.  He wakes up at about 6:30am and goes to bed anywhere between 8:30pm and 9:30pm.  He also gets a bath every other day but they seem to wake him up rather than make him sleepy so he gets his bath during the day and not before bed.

  7. My baby girl is 3 months old and we are on a pretty routine schedule.  Every morning she wakes up at about 7am for her 2nd feeding, then back to sleep until 10 or 11.  She stays up with me until about 12-1 when she takes her nap, which last an hour or 2.  She takes her 2nd nap around 4 or 5 and then at 8 we give her a bath, read to her and then she is usually asleep in our arms.  She sleeps through the nigh, and ocassionaly will wake up between 2-4 for 2 oz or so of formula.  Hope this helps.

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