
4th Pick Automated Draft?

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Just looking for your opinion on what strategy i should use in my draft in the next few days.I'm drafting out of 4th position in an automated draft,not a ppr league or anything like that.Looking for some advice in terms of what order to place my different positions for the first 3 or 4 rounds.I was thinking that LT,Brady and maybe westbrook would be gone by then.So i'm probably gonna get Manning if i set QBs as my first choice or A Peterson or S Jackson if its RBs.Just wondering what you'd do in this spot.

I was leaning towards the QB option as Peterson and jackson have been known for their injuries (i know manning is down at the min but'll be fine). But if i choose manning option by pick 23 will my RB options be hampered big time?

So what way would you set up your first 3 0r 4 rounds (picks 4,23,30,37) if you were in this spot? Thanks.




  1. Gotta go w/ S.Jackson there.  AP is way over-rated.  Yeah, AP will have a couple 200 yard games and your fant. team will win those weeks.  But the 4-6 games that he runs for 22 yards you will lose!  The other games he won't make a difference.  S.Jackson will play EVERY down,  score all running TDs and will catch 90 balls(like he did 2 years ago).  St.L beefed up their OL, got their starting QB back and play an easy schedule in the NFC West.  He will be the come back player of the year.

    As for your next picks look at: McGahee, Lynch, Grant, Portis, Marshall, Edwards, Fitzgerald, Brees, T.Jones, A.Johnson.

  2. Huh, that's a big gap between 4, and 23.  That's 19 players taken before you get another pick.  So we gotta make sure your pick will produce.  Manning is a really nice option.  He always produces, and doesn't get injured a lot (if at all).  So, those 19 players going by won't be that bad since you know you snagged a quality player who will produce each week and won't miss games.

    Then again, there's that whole RB thing =P

    As we all know, they're very important in fantasy.  So you might want to also pick the top RB.  And with #4 pick, he'll be a good one.

    I actually have the same #4 pick as you.  My strategy going into this draft will consist of top RB's in rounds 1 and 2.  and top WR's in rounds 3 and 4.  Now you're probably thinking "what about the quarterback???".  Well, the likes of Garrard, Bulger, and Delhomme will probably still be on the board, and I think they all have the skills to lead an effective fantasy team - especially Garrard.

    There's many strategies to use, just use the one that you feel most comfortable with =)

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