
4th cat? Ive been debating what I should do with this stray/semi feral cat for months and I'm totally torn?

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15 months ago I started trapping the neighborhood feral cats that I feed and performed TNR on them (trap/neuter/vaccinate/release). One of the cats was very small cat that i fell in love with and she somehow came around quickly and became a permanent additionn to my home. 3 months ago I trapped the 5th and final of feral cats and all of them seem to be to doing really well. These cats are the typical feral cats, only come at night, wont come within 5 feet of me, eat and go on there merry way. However one of them has completely befriended me and is always trying to get in my house. I think a long time ago she was someones pet that they dumped. Do I try to work her in with the rest of my felines or just force her to stay outside? I do let her in couple hours a nights, (I put my cats in my bedroom when she is in) then put her back outside when i go to bed. Ive tried introducing her to my cats several times, but they all end up fighting. I feel so sorry for this cat and don't know what to do. Lastly,even though this cat has warmed up to me, if anyone else is around, she FREAKS and hisses and tries to run away. This is why Ive not taken her to a shelter since they would deem her as feral and not take her or possibly have to euthanize her due to limited space and resources. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!




  1. You get a standing ovation from me.  Your a WONDERFUL person for the work you have done with these cats. BRAVO!!!!!

    You seem to be on the right track, but the one thing you need to remember is that cats aren't like dogs you can't go back and forth you'll only confuse it.  I would suggest taking in the cat, placing in a bedroom by itself and allow the other cats to hiss and meow at the door.  They are basically saying "hey this is our house know your role newbie"  Do this for a couple of days until the cats stop hissing and they just sit in front of the door.  Allow your cats to smell some of the strays hair and or toys.  After a couple of days (depending on behavior) allow the stray to come out while you are home and can keep an eye on them all.  Then slowly judge how your gult tells you they are acting.

    Your really on the right track and doing a great job.  Best of luck

  2. What a wonderful person you are, trying to please so many cats can't be easy, and it sounds like you are doing your best.  The main thing is with the new cat, is make sure he has access to food and water, and perhaps somewhere warm to sleep near the house / outside.  Do you have a garage or shed she might like, anywhere she might feel safe and that she knows you will appear at some point.  Then you can spend a bit of time with her there without upsetting all the others.

  3. I would just keep trying to introduce them, maybe hire a cat behavior specialist?? Not sure, but you shuld keep her, she might die if you don't!

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