
4u what is the best european country and the best country of world?

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4u what is the best european country and the best country of world?




  1. Best European country - a toss up between France and Italy.

    Best overall country - Australia - great for those of us lucky enough to live here and great for tourists (nice cities, great natural scenery, unique animals, friendly locals, safe to travel etc. etc.)

  2. best european --> Italy

    best of the world --> Turkey

  3. european country: italy, because i love the food, the country, the motorini, the ferrarri, the fashion, the people!!!!!! it's goood fun, and it's beautiful!!!!!!

    same for the world's country!!!!!! =D

  4. Best European country was Great Britain, because of Newton, Maxwell, and all the other scientists.  Think about it without Newton's invention of Calculus we would have very little technology.  GREAT BRITAIN also had the great musicians such as Vaughan Williams and great writers such as Tolken and now Rowling.

    Best country in the world is America:

    freedom, AMERICA does not take c**p from people that want to destroy it.  People from all over the world came to America and found success.  Also great technological innovations such as mans use of electricity, airplanes, Nasa, google, so much that we take for granted.  Should I mention our decisive victory in WWII, without which no other country would exist (except Germany and Japan)?

  5. As Liz said, either France or Italy. However, I think France is the best country in Europe.

    New Zealand (not in Europe obviously) is the best country in the world with a highest level of live satisfaction.

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