
4yr old ready for kinder but the school policy is he must be 5yrs old. what can i do preschool says hes ready?

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4yr old ready for kinder but the school policy is he must be 5yrs old. what can i do preschool says hes ready?




  1. Not much you can do.  The schools really stick to their age cut off. My nephew misses the cut off by like a week and he must wait an entire year.  Not that bad of a thing I guess he will be more prepared when he does go and gives him time to grow and so hopefully less kids picking on him. .....  A major concern of mine since his younger brother can and does over power him, and take what he wants from him. lol.

  2. i'm not sure about in your area, but in north carolina we have something thats called pre-k. its for kids that are too old for preschool but not old enough for kinder. i believe they have something of a half-day? its an actual class just like kinder and is at all of our elementary schools. do they have anything like this where you live?

  3. Some private schools will take him for Kindergarten early...Then the next year you can register him for school in the first grade...Most schools do not do the math...They just look to see what grade the child has completed and places them in the next grade..when registering just do not make it a big deal...Just bring a copy of his completed Kindergarten year report card...Or try to go through the district for home schooling for the first year..

  4. You should wait, and not worry about it.   It's not just about (possibly) being ready for kindergarten this year, but that if the school system did allow you to send him early, he will be the youngest one in the class for the rest of his life.   Boys especially mature slower than girls in many areas.   He is much better off waiting until he is 5.

  5. Relax and wait until he's five.  There's no need to push him into kinder, where he will be the youngest child.

  6. You can try a private school if you must, but your pretty much stuck with the policy.  Maybe after he is in kinder if he is still advanced you can have him moved to a higher grade later.

  7. :-)  We were in the same boat....pediatrician recommended that we get him tested for Kindergarten but no go here.  :-)  Especially with a Kindergarten teacher who does NOT want any boys in her classroom that is a young five. others have said... not much you can do but wait the extra year and send him to another year of preschool.  He will develop social-emotionally a bit more and he will be one of the leaders in both the preschool and the Kindergarten class.  I just continued to "teach" him this year.  Good luck to the Kindergarten teacher.  I tried to not actively teach him because he needed something to learn but he was bored LOL  so he's going into Kindergarten with end of Kindergarten/beginning first grade reading under his belt.  He'll have addition and subtraction figured out.  He'll know how to count change and tell time.  He'll know how to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s to one hundred, he'll have a good understanding of measurement and fractions.  He'll have writing down to about end of Kindergarten/beginning first grade.  Cognitively he just keeps going and I'm not going to stop him.  Do I see a change in him social-emotionally from 4 years to 5 years.  That is the biggest thing they say about the age cut off.  Yes, I do see a change...but he had a much longer attention span and capabilities than many of the children entering into Kindergarten.  Oh well... I'll be interested in seeing what they plan to do when he starts Kindergarten.  :-)

  8. most of the teachers now look at the child if he is ready academically they ship them to school but you need to ask you self a question is your child ready socially???? that is the important question. the teachers send the child to an older classroom and the don't recognize how it may effect him being with children not his age. i Say keep him with his age group and its not bad for him. you need to fined ways to challenge that child in his own environment.

  9. Preschool should be asking themselves what THEY can do to engage and excite your four year old ! For goodness sake that's their job !! No 4 year old is "ready" for school so let him just enjoy being four.

    You can also do lots with him yourselves. There are heaps of great ideas and resources on line - for everything from dinosaur buffs to Disney characters !

  10. Sit back relax and let your child play in preschool for another year. While he may be "ready" the extra year of play will be worth it. I find a lot of private schools and parents are hold back or doing JK programs. You could potentially have your 4 year old in the same class as a 6 year old. That is a big age spread at that age. Plus once they get to 1st they really start to work and he need to be at maturity level want to do it. You want it to be fun not a chore.

    If he is board in preschool start teaching him site words, chucking sounds (th, ch, ing) but all in a fun way!

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