
5,6,7,8,and 9 DPO BFN.. feeling depressed...

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well me and hubby are ttc baby number 2.

when we were ttc our son it happened the 1st try.

now this is once again our first month trying and i am 9 dpo and had all neg tests : (

it's no big deal b/c they are all dollar tree tests so i am not blowing hundreds of dollars on tests but i just thought it would be just as easy this time.

my son is now 10 months old and i am 25. i thought it would be super easy but maybe i charted wrong or i dunno?

i have had the twinges and cramping and my b*****s seem heavier but who knows it's prob all in my head although the cramping is not.

i am deff tired but i have a 10 month old LOL!

when i was preg with my son i got a bfp at 12dpo so maybe i am tested to early but still, i am feeling depressed....




  1. I think you tested to early.  You should wait till the day after your suppose to start your period.  I know what you are going through, I am 11 dpo.  I am just so scared to test to early and be depressed with my BFN.  So I am waiting till 14dpo.  Good luck and losts of baby dust :)

  2. You're testing too early. Wait for another 3-5 days before testing again.

  3. Congratulations on conceiving your first child so quickly, and I hope that your second child will come quick as well.  However, if it does not please do not worry or stress-it takes an average healthy couple a year to conceive.  You just got lucky the first time!

    The average level of HCG at 14 DPO (the day you should expect your period) is 40.  HCG doubles every 48 hours, so going backward that would give you a level of 20 at 12 DPO and a level of 10 at 10 DPO.  With those levels, even the most sensitive tests might not pick up at 10-12 DPO.  No need to give up hope for this month yet!  The Dollar Tree tests are actually quite reliable-I have used many (MANY-our third is a little more than 7 years younger than our second, and we were trying for most of that time) of them and I never got a positive result when I was not pregnant or a negative result when I was, and it infact gave me a + before my period was due.

    I got a positive with my first pregnancy a week before my period was even due, and my dates were right on when I had an ultrasound.  My second pregnancy, I held out on testing until the day my period was due, and got a negative that turned to a faint positive after the time limit-even though this test was more sensitive, and I was further along, than when I tested my first pregnancy.

    If you want to obsess over something while you wait, try It has a lot of great information.  I used to have a website about testing early, with statistics and such, but it has sense changed URLs so I do not have the link anymore.  I wish you the best, though!

  4. I think you are getting way ahead of yourself.

    Take a breather and enjoy your little one....he is really little and needs your attention and he is going to be affected by your moods.  It will come when it is time ( and I know it's easier said than done).  You have time on your side.

    And from your symptoms, you may just be pregnant and the test is not showing yet.

    Or, if not, it may be post partum depression and you may want to get that checked.

    Either way, the thing is to does make a huge amount of difference.

    Good luck.

  5. I am 10 DPO today and got a BFN (what a blimmin surprise).

    I think maybe we're testing too early - let's make a deal...we'll both wait till we're 12DPO to test again???

    GOOD LUCK x*x

  6. Why on earth would you start testing at 5 dpo? A fertilized egg might very well not even be implanted at that point, let alone your body making the pregnancy hormone HCG that is detected by a test. The earliest I have heard of people getting a positive is 8 dpo, and that is not common. It will depend on when you conceived, how long it took the egg to implant, and how fast your body is making the HCG. All of those things are impossible to predict, so it is best to wait until your period is due or even late before taking a pregnancy test, to ensure maximum accuracy.

    Test again on the day you think your period should be due. Even if you are using dollar tree tests and so not wasting money - you are still wasting a lot of time, energy, and TEARS on testing too early. Is it really worth all of the disappointment to start testing a week and a half too early? If you are correct about when you ovulated, then there is no way you would get a positive at just 5 dpo.


    And good luck :-)

  7. wait until dpo 14 to test, this wait will feel like for ever but ... be patient

  8. I totally know what you mean I thought that I was in great health and having a baby was going to be like a first try thing and it would be done, pregnant and happy, but NO! I have been trying for 7 months now and I am getting a little discouraged at this whole thing. I hate the 2WW, it sucks really bad. You just want to be happy or get depressed and try again. Good Luck and baby dust to you!

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