
5 1/2 month old having trouble going poopie..?

by Guest32934  |  earlier

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Hello! my 5 1/2 month old daughter is having trouble going to the bathroom, she is going, but she screams crying everytime she goes and its hard and big, way to big for a little baby to have. Ive given her prunes, she loves them....... which i believe is what is helping her actually go, but what can i do to loosen her stools up??? Will Kayro syrup help??? i know that once i can get her back to normal that i can keep her regulated with apples and prunes but its just getting her to that point. Would it be better to give her kayro syrup or juice??? And how much of each, and how often??? i do not want to hurt her, i want to help her im so afraid shes going to end up with a hemoroid and the poor thing has already had enough medical issues. Please helpful advice! Also i ask very nicely that if you have something negative to say that you keep it to yourself....... I'm here for advice not criticism, Thank you!!!!




  1. First off, don't worry too much, it happens to babies and isn't anything to worry about unless it doesn't clear up after trying these:  

    First, try some watered down (add 25% water so not too strong) baby prune juice.  That should work quickly.  If it doesn't, go to your local drugstore and buy some infant stool softener.  It works somewhat fast and is a good thing to keep on hand.  

    If that doesn't work I'd try a baby e***a, you can get those at a drugstore also.  Those usually work immediately.  

    If those 3 don't work I would take her right into the Dr.  but the 3 things I suggested would be waht they most likely would tell you to do if you took her in right now.

  2. Forget the Karo syrup. Baby Fleet is great for constipation. You can find it at drugstores. It's a waterlike substance that you insert into the r****m. It is very easy to do. Within a short time, the poopy will soften and she'll be able to expel it more comfortably.

  3. Be careful not to give her too much of the prunes or apple sauce.  Too much fiber might make it hard for her to p**p.  Fiber is a tricky thing, too much is no good.  I think you should contact the doctor to rule out any intestinal problems.  My friend's daughter had a bent intestine, and the poor baby would struggle to p**p.  It can be serious if not taken care of.

    Good luck.

  4. For years the women in my family have used mineral oil when their babies are having problem with their bowels. Not very much like a teaspoon in an 8 ounce bottle and that usually does the trick.

  5. please call your doc NOW before she has anymore pain, any adult that has been constipated can tell you it is very very very uncomfortable the whole time, not just when you are trying to go.....

  6. Are you feeding her any food yet? Rice cereal is very constipating. The foods you want to avoid are Bananas, Apples, Rice Cereal and Toast. I would talk to the doctor if it continues you dont want any damage to happen plus she will be very hard to break if this happens for a long time

  7. You need to call her pediatrician.

  8. My ped told me to give my son sugar water. 1 teaspoon for 4oz of water. That was when he was about a month old and she said to give him about 1 or 2 oz a day. It's so sad when that happens.

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