
5 1/2 weeks pregnant but no symptoms. Should I worry?

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I am currently 5 1/2 weeks pregnant and I have no obvious symptoms. I have no morning sickness, no soreness, no tiredness, nothing. I'm on edge because I had a miscarriage last year at 6 weeks. I was tired a weeks ago. I couldn't stop yawning. Because of my previous miscarriage I am scared that there is something wrong. Is it normal to not have any symptoms?




  1. Honey, you have nothing to worry about. Some people NEVER have symptoms from their pregnances while others have some and still others have them from the day they get pregnant to three weeks after (ME!!!:))

    So that is common and does happen. But it sounds like you do have a symptom. FATIGE!!! Thats normal.

    Just relax. Stress is bad on your body right now. Just sleep, eat and sleep.

    However, if you are still worried. Have a talk with your doc. He/she will help.

  2. Talking with your doctor or midwife is best if you are worried, but take it as a blessing that you aren't getting sick, and you can enjoy your pregnancy without symptoms.  I never had any sign of pregnancy until I started gaining some weight.

  3. I never had any symptoms until 8-10 weeks pregnant with either of my kids.   Chances that your last miscarriage will have anything to do with this pregnancy are low.   A very high number of women have miscarriages in the early stages.

  4. im 6 weeks and unlike you i have all the symptoms.... consider yourself lucky!!!

  5. Try not to stress out.  You know that it's not healthy for you and the baby.

    If you're worried, ask your OB to see you and calm your fears.

    Like others have said, it's nice not to have symptoms.  Put off the sick and tired feelings for later or not at all!

  6. Yes, totally normal! Many symptoms don't show up until a bit later as you're still quite early into the pregnancy.  And, remember, not every woman has all the symptoms you read about. I didn't have nausea or morning sickness at all.  (yay!).  As hard as it may be, try not to worry. Focus on other things. Symptoms will come in time. I remember being so stressed/worried during the early part of my pregnancy and, in hindsight, I wish I didn't.  I wish I just relaxed and enjoyed it instead of worrying so much.

  7. I got the symptoms at around 9 weeks and you don't want them

  8. sweetie stop worrying yourself it's normal don't forget that every pregancy is diffrent you should consider yourself lucky that you don't have any symptoms. stop worrying yourself because the more you worry the better chance of it happening just be calm and patient and know that you have a precious gift inside of you and every things ok just pray okay and GOod LuCk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hi, dont worry too much, I am -/+ 12 Weeks Pregnant

    and didnt have any symptoms up until about 9 Weeks (You dont want them (Really)

    The 3 Signs of Miscarriage is: Blood show, Extreme pelvic pain,

    Extreme Back pain in most cases

    If you really are stressed bout it go see you gyny or Doc

    Good Luck with your Pregnancy...

  10. I'm in the exact same situation. Just over 5 weeks pregnant, no symptoms, miscarriage about 3 months ago at 6 weeks. I'm really worried to. We've been trying for about a year, but I won't let myself get excited until I reach the second trimester. As long as there's no bleeding or cramping, I think it should be ok. Best of luck to you.

  11. I never got morning sickness, i only was gaggy myself,lol. i also didn't get breast tenderness or changes in color until i was many months along.

    Every woman's body is different. If the doctor says you're gaining weight and measuring right and gives you an ultrasound eventually.....that is all that matters. I'm huge for 6 months but the baby is the right size and so is my uterus so don't listen to people who mean well but freak you out. When in doubt just ask your doctor:)

    Best of luck mama!

  12. I have a friend that found out that she was pregnant when she was 20 weeks. She had no morning sickness or anything. She started to notice a bit of weight gain and it was all in her tummy area! It's different with every pregnancy. If you are worried about go to your doctor. Better safe than sorry!

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