
5 & 10K does someone get started?

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I am not new to working out, but new to running. I need to get back in shape and cardio has always been a weakness for me. I can workout with weights, but when it comes to cardio, I give up easily. I am what they call a "skinny-fat person" meaning I am thin, but no muscle tone. So its not like I have to carry 160lbs around but I want to start running 5k's but don't know where to start. How can I get running into my workout and what can I expect (or know) the first few runs?




  1. Give Sonny best answer he said all I would have told you. Start running one mile a day and build up. Then start with timed runs.

    Good Luck Ms

  2. Congratulations on becoming a new runner!  First, make sure you get fitted for proper shoes, I'm sure you have a local running store.  There are several different plans to learn to run.  The first few weeks, your body is going to adjust to using different muscles, so be prepared to have a few sore muscles, knees, etc.  This will ease in time.  Keep up with the weights, this will help you to become a stronger runner.  Cross training will also help reduce any injuries.  Join a local running club, its great for motivation, and you can pick up alot of information.  Here is a link to learn to run :

    Whatever you do, don't get discouraged, these things take time and patience, before you know it, you will be training for a 1/2 Marathon.  Good Luck.

  3. You will probably feel pretty uncomfortable during your first 2 or 3 runs. Your face will flush, you will become breathless, you might feel clumsy or heavy (even though you are not), you may get side pains, you may feel nauseous . You may even feel dizzy. These sensations will fade if you slow to a walk and reappear when you begin to run again. If you feel unwell walk or sit down. You will have plenty of time for macho heroics later.

    Working up to jogging comfortably for 20 minutes without stopping should be possible in 7-10 days. You are sure to experience muscle soreness in your legs (upper and lower) and possibly in your hips, lower back and shoulders from even small amounts of running. This soreness can be controlled with ice, aspirin and rest and in some cases more gentle exercise.

    The good news; You will get the "runners high" after each run. Your fitness will improve quickly and the unpleasant sensations will disappear within the before mentioned 7-10 days. Of course if you go beyond a comfortable 20 minute jog you may begin again to experience some or all of that unpleasant stuff.

    Completing your first 5K will be a way to test your fitness or simply to enjoy running with others in an organized event.

  4. start out on a 1 mile run every day for a week than go up to a 2 miler and a 3 on week ends after awhile go up to 7 miles on a weekend

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