
5/11/08 is the world going to end ?

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i read in Sun magazing a couple hours ago that the world is going to end on may 11th, wich is in 8 days :( i want to know if it is true or not, or atleast if you think it is. im really scared.




  1. Nobody knows. My suggestion: make peace with God, with others, and with yourself. Then, even if it doesn't happen, you still have peace.

    Sun magazine is in the business of selling magazines. Those with shocking stories sell more.

  2. You believe things you read in the Sun?  You need help!  See if you can find an open bed in a psychiatric hospital and check in quickly!

  3. No that will be on ........... 11/5/08.......... the day that the new President elect is announced!    (McCain?)

  4. no but according to the mayans something great will happen on 12-21-12 because that is when thier calender ends

  5. Not true......Don't worry......go out and treat yourself to an ice cream'll feel better.

  6. Yes, this is true, the world will end on that day.


  8. Is that the date when jesus will come on his second coming?

  9. The tabloids and the religions are ALWAYS predicting that the world will end in a few days.

    It's just nonsense.

    Ignore it.

  10. can't wait!

    finally!!!!!! we destroyed this planet enough

  11. Hopefully, people deserve to die because they are so selfish and disgusting

  12. no... like the guy aboe me said about how the world was supposed to end a few times and never did. so just ignore it and have a good time. its not gonna happen unless there is like 345 atomic bombs set off everywhere

  13. by the 5/11/08 i already use my tax rebate

  14. Yes

  15. No, the world is going to end on January 1, 2000. Never mind, they got it wrong then. It is going to end Dec. 27, 2001. Never mind they were wrong then too. I remember they said it is going to end in 2007 from a flood when Antarctica melts. Sorry, they were wrong then. Catch my drift?

  16. Don't think so.  I have an anniversary 2 days later, so I hope not!

  17. Dude, you have got to be crazy. Sun magazine is always coming up with some stupid c**p or another. They said in their last issue that the world was going to end sometime in April. Did it? No, here we are, still turning. You know why they print that? To get your money. By buying that magazine, you're giving them even more cash to print such nonsense. Last year they said the world will end on September 11, 2007. It didn't. Don't be scared over something you read in the gayest paper on earth. They've got a whole prophecy section devoted to scaring you. Don't listen to that filth. Wait till May 11th. The world won't end, mark my words. Sun will eat it! Eat it, I say!

  18. What else did they say in that magazine

  19. No

  20. No, the world is going to end on 12/23/12 according to the Mayans

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