
5'4 155 pounds, 850 calorie diet?

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I'm 24 years old, in the past 2 years I gained 40 pounds. My metabolism just completely went haywire and I changed jobs from a very physical labor job to a basically sitting in my car all day job.

My parents are having a wedding reception for my husband and I(we just got married, but the reception is going to be June 19th 2009) I need to lose weight! I also really need to lose weight because we want to have children next year and I want to be healty during pregnancy. I am very ashamed of the weight that I gained and I really seriously need to lose at least 20-30 pounds in the next few months.

I should be eating about 2100 calories from the calculators that I found online. I want to lose 2.5 pounds a week, so without including calories burned from exercise, I should be eating 850 calories a day. Is this okay? I read that it is very low, but I really don't have a problem with eating this few calories a day. I am exercising(jogging/powerwalking a mile in the morning and 30 minutes on my bike at night) Does anyone have any advice? I would love some help. I never had a weight problem until these past 2 years and it's really hard to deal with.




  1. As others mentioned, changing the food you eat to healthier choices may be a better answer than 850 calories/day. 1200 is a better number, healthier too. Especially if you are exercising regularly. Along with that don't forget to DRINK LOTS OF WATER. At LEAST 8 glasses a day. That alone will help you take off pounds. Good Luck!

  2. First of all, it's not that your metabolism went haywire, it's that your aren't as physically active anymore.  850 calories is low and it may be setting yourself up for failure.  Your body may go into "starvation mode" and really slow down your metabolism because it's trying to store any nutrition as fat.  

    You have quite a bit of time, so try and relax just a little.  Don't make this so hard that you can't stick with it.  Because all diets work, we just can't stick with it because it's too hard.  Try and eat 1200 calories a day, write down everything you eat (because you may be surprised!)

    and keep on you daily exercise routine.  The pounds will come off, remember it's a formula, calories in-calories out.

  3. Are you saying you want to consume 850 plus more calories that you intend to burn? So, you'd eat a total of, say, 1400 calories but you'd plan to burn off 550 calories or something like that?

    Since I'm not sure what you mean, I can't answer whether or not your plan is good. You should probably be consuming close about 1800 to 2000 calories per day. If you drop too many calories out of your diet and continue to exercise, your body will start storing calories any chance it gets. Also, you'll be less likely to stick to it and more likely to binge if you're not eating enough.

    Secondly, you can only expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week safely and successfully (meaning you'll keep the weight off). If you lose more than that, you'll be more likely to put the weight back on.

    My advice is this: Don't worry about the calories you're consuming. Instead, focus on filling yourself up with healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and some lean meats/dairy. Cut out or at least cut way back on anything else. If you eat this way, it'll be very difficult to overeat because you'll get full before you've consumed too much. Keep up exercising, although I'd recommend that you also do some strength training (lifting weights burns more calories than cardio) and/or work in small workouts during your workday too, like a 10-minute walk.

    The bottom line is to be patient with yourself. Think "healthy," not "number on a scale."  

  4. Be happy as you are :-)

  5. Exercise is very important, especially cardio. But instead of eating less and less. Replace foods with better ones. Like instead of drinking iced ted, drink flavored water. Or fruit for a snack. or rice cakes.

  6. Hey, i know what your going though, when I was 13 I gaind 20 pounds, I lost it from working out and dieting when i was 15. I sujest you eat about 1200 calories a day and 25grams of fat. It really works.

    I hope this helps.

  7. First, your best bet is to go see your doctor.  He or she can give you real advice that is medically sound.

    Second choice is to visit a trainer at a health club.  These people can give you decent advice.

    But lastly -- no, 850 calories a day is not sufficient.  You need proper nutrition.

    I think you probably need something in the 1200 to 1500 calories per day range, plus frequent exercise.  Also make sure you are getting the most out of your exercise time by pushing as hard as you safely can.

    Remember to ramp up and find a program that will last for you.

  8. 850 calories is far too low - it sounds like you are trying yet another low calorie diet. These regularly fail to work.

    There is an article on called "Need to lose weight for wedding?" which may help.

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