
5.5 Gallon Tank For Roborovski Hamsters?

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Alright, I know that a 5.5 Gallon Tank, is WAY to small normally for two Robos, but I have had them for about two months now, and I am about to move back into a very cramped room. Either way, a 5.5 Gallon tank is about as good as I can do, and they have lived in it before (for about a month), and while they were in there they seemed to be just fine. They are brothers.

Also just to note, they're wheel (Which is big enough for both of them at the same time) is suspended by suction up to the side of the cage so as to not take up floorspace, and there is no food bowl, I scatter it evenly for them to find on they're own, which means I don't have a food bowl either. If I put them in this particular tank I give them at least 3 to 4 inches of bedding for very thorough burrowing. The only thing taking up space is a small dust bath/ pee area (Don't ask me how it works, but they honestly pee and clean themselves in it) that helps them keep clean, as they are in a confined space.




  1. 5.5 gallons is way to small.  The smallest that I would go with is ten gallons.  I keep my hamster in a ten gallon and she is very happy.  There is room for her water bottle, her food, and her wheel.

  2. A 10 gallon tank usually costs about 10 dollars. You don't have 10 dollars? If you find a store willing to sell you a "leaker" or get one off Craigslist, you can get one even cheaper. It's easy to make a top from spare wood and hardware cloth, or you could get one for about 10 dollars at a pet store.  

    They really need space - space to run around, and space for toys. Ideally you'll have one more hiding place than there are hamsters. There's not room in a 5.5 gal tank for THREE hiding places or really many other toys.

    If you don't want to spend 20 bucks, keep them in the tank they're in now and put it somewhere out of the way. If you're living in a 15 square foot room - too bad. Put it in the doorway and step over it when you enter. Pets take up space. Fact of life. My desk is half taken up by my betta tank - and it's annoying and takes up lots of my work space. Does that mean I should put the fish in an 8 ounce cup to save space?

    I don't understand why you're trying so hard to justify something you know isn't ideal. I'm not trying to be mean - it just seems like you know what's best for the hamsters and you're looking for validation for not doing it.

  3. 5.5 gallons isn't going to hurt them any, it sounds to me like the floor space is alright.

    Small animals don't like vastness, so I think you'd be better off with them in the smaller tank anyway.

    My mother + her 5 babies are in a 1-only dwarf sized cage and they are all happy.

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