
5 Qusetions that may make me seem crazy!!!?

by Guest44801  |  earlier

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1) When we die what becomes extincted first, the senses or the mind?

2)In death, does "nothing" apply to the senses or the conscience, or both? (And what I mean by this is I haven't come across a philosophical argument debating that a mind, void of senses, would or would not manifest 'its' own reality)

3) If, when we die, the senses become extincted prior to the conscience of the mind would what we manifest be a 'synthetic' a priori of the life we already experienced?

4) Is this synthetically produced a priori have the right to be called a concept of nothing?

5) Does nothing happen when we die? (y/n)




  1. i will answer all these when i

    sorry yar.. just kidding.. how can one know the answer to these questions unless he die and return back to life..

  2. Its weird how things happen and work out. Its been proven that after death you can still have senses even tho it may only be for a short period of time. When you get decapitated you can still see and be aware of it for 12 seconds. so when you die you can have both senses and still have mind power. when someone dies they can manifest anything they want to believe. For example "crossing over" when someone has a near death experience. they perceived what they want to. Who's to say if anything happens when we die. some believe when we die we reincarnate at the very instance of death and have no recollection of their previous state. but that's what people believe that the famous saying deja vu comes from.

  3. 1) Does the light stop when I cover the mirror?

    2) Brain activity does not cease exactly at the moment breathing stops. When the power goes out of the wires, the projector stops.

    3) synthetic a priori implies your whole prior life didn't create the projector and the movie. Dumb, dumb question.

    4) Consciousness is a feverdream on the soul of non-existence. It's all concepts of nothing.

    5) Does nothing happen when we live (YES AND YES.)

    A worse attempt at proving an afterlife I have never heard.

  4. 1.  At passing, as with nightly sleep, the outer waking sensory data stream ceases.  The waking subconscious, which becomes the dreaming conscious, reflects the continued awareness.

    2.  The same process of acquiring lucidity and demonstrating genuine conscience, which takes place in dreams, also occurs post-passing.

    3.  The "own reality" one speaks of is the dream or cocooning solipsistic process prior to lucid awareness of Being, Plotinus' One Mind Soul-individuation.  Plotinus often experienced lucid and out-of-body awareness, moving to God-realization (Soul-individuation).

    4.  The "synthetic a priori" is more accurately a description of the lower mentation, beta wave activity, which the reawakening soul moves into as outer waking consciousness, kantian 5-sense data streaming reorganizing and regathering "id-entity" every a.m.

    5.  What happens when one finally realizes "I am" upon lucidity after passing on from outer waking consciousness, is that one then begins what Kierkegaard described as "Ethic sphere" activity, without physis as a platform upon which to "stand."

    Some worthwhile reading along this line:

    "The Masters and Their Retreats" and "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D.,

  5. I would think the differences is so small that it has little impact.  Then again I suppose it depends on how a person dies and what part of the brain collapses first.

    A mind without senses would still be able to draw from pass memory as reference and form a residual reality like when one is sleeping but dreaming.

    As for generation of a synthetic priori, isn't that how we normally conceive of external senses after the brain has processed them?  Ie. even the normal priori is a synthetic one.  The real problem is the qualia -- where we may all have the same external feed, but our fundamental experiences are still different.

    Calling reality concept of nothing may be fitting because reality is not permanent and eventually changes to nothing that we would recognize after say a few billion years, so it is just one perspective and instance of the assembly and no more meaningful than a sand castle by the sea shore at the mercy of the waves.

    Does any happen while we live? Is life nothing but a dream?

  6. 1) In technical terms one is not dead unless their brain is dead.

    2) Sensory perception occurs because of brain function, the key word being perception. The mind would not perceive anything if the brain is dead because the mind would cease to perceive at all.

    3) really it depends on the way you die, it can take a few hours for the brain to cease all activity after a person dies, say, from old age. But if you suffer major head trauma then of course this would change the story. I am not sure which areas of the brain cease to function first or what order proceeds there after I just remember reading that it can take a few hours before all firing of the synapses stops.

    4) Not if we maintain a strict definition of the term nothing.

    5) Yes, your physical form is reclaimed by the universe at large as you slowly begin to decompose.

  7. nobody knows

  8. 1 -> mind

    2-> nor sense or consiense

    3-> nope it's imposible

    4-> yup

    5-> yup that thing is god business no one can interupt with it

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