
5 Things Obama will do and reasons that they are terrible ideas?

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1. Universal Health Care

2. Raising Taxes on Big Oil

3. Pulling out of Iraq

4. Alternative Energy W/O Offshore drilling

5. Raising Taxes for top 1%

Universal Health Care is also a terrible idea, why should the wealthy have to pay for the health care of someone who was unable to get a good job that either pays enough for or provides health care.

Raising Taxes on Big Oil won't work because they will make us help them recoup their profits by raising gasoline prices. Middle Class Families will not notice the $1000 dollar tax break as much as they will notice gas prices that have shot up by a dollar.

The troop surge IS working so pulling out our troops now is a bad idea, we wouldn't be feeling the economic drain as much if we weren't already paying for our government that is way too bloated with corrupt members of both parties.

Alternative energy- McCain will do the same thing only he will tap into our vast oil reserves that have been protected by environmentalists for too long, it will help get us off foreign oil while we research and develop alternative fuel sources

And raising taxes on people that make more than 250K is a bad idea because that means small business owners will have to lay off employees or cut salaries, and that does nothing to help our economy whatsoever.

To make it a question, how does any of this improve our country?




  1. I agree with you on every one of these issues!  I can't hardly sleep at night for fear that this man will become president, and I and my family will suffer GREAT financial hardships for the next 4 years.  I am a nurse, so the thought of universal health care scares my to death!! I don't think anyone realizes how detrimental this will be to everyone's health and safety! It is an INSANE idea!! You are on the right track with your thinking man!!

  2. Have you lost your Crocodile !

  3. LOL, so I'm supposed to vote for you rather than a Harvard Grad with experience in state and federal legislature and community organizing? Whose policies are proven to work.  While John McCain favors big oil and big corporations while telling the American working people they are whining about their own economic situations while sitting on a porch of one of his 10 houses?   LOL, you're dreaming.

  4. Pulling out of Iraq is the only thing I feel he is doing the right decision on. Com on man.  You sign your name up and sacrifice your life. Enough is enough.  Afghanistan is the real threat.

  5. I think they're all good ideas.  I think you're an alarmist.  

  6. Whew, and I thought I was a moron.  Maybe we should go fail an economics class together.

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