
5 day until period..... CAN I read on...?

by Guest58559  |  earlier

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Sept 8th is my next period. Can I test now? Or is it too early. I had some light bleeding on tuesday for 1 hr, and cramps, alot of White think discharge for 1 week now, My b***s are really BIG, they don't hurt or anything, dull back pain, and slight headaches, and dizzy at times?? too soon?




  1. I would definitely test! I had the same symptoms and tested 5 days early, and it turned positive before I could finish peeing! Don't get discouraged if it comes up negative though. Just test again in a few days. Good luck!!!

  2. Get first response or discover home pregnancy tests both you can test 5 days before a due period both mine was positive good luck.

  3. Get first response, that's what I took 5 days sooner and got a positive, good luck!

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