Ok I am now 5 days late for my period, i usually have when i start down to the day and i usually only cramp about a half a day before i start. I am not sure if these are signs or not but my nipples are sore (like a rubbed raw/ irritated feeling) but my breast arent sore, i have had this headache on the very top of my head for about two to three weeks now, i am getting a bit of cramping every now and then like i am going to start but dont and i feel real crappy and tired all day. I was on depo (the shot) a year ago and got off so that me and my husband could start trying and havent been of anything since, but they say it takes a year to 18 months to be fertile again. so i am really confused, i took a urine pregnancy test four days ago and it came back negative. could i be pregnant or do you think i am just getting the "false" symptoms?