
5 days i pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I am now 5 days late for my period, i usually have when i start down to the day and i usually only cramp about a half a day before i start. I am not sure if these are signs or not but my nipples are sore (like a rubbed raw/ irritated feeling) but my breast arent sore, i have had this headache on the very top of my head for about two to three weeks now, i am getting a bit of cramping every now and then like i am going to start but dont and i feel real crappy and tired all day. I was on depo (the shot) a year ago and got off so that me and my husband could start trying and havent been of anything since, but they say it takes a year to 18 months to be fertile again. so i am really confused, i took a urine pregnancy test four days ago and it came back negative. could i be pregnant or do you think i am just getting the "false" symptoms?




  1. I would take another test and go see a doctor! Good luck

  2. Could be. Pregnancy testing too early will give a false result. Pregnancy test 7 days after a missed period. Best wishes, G

    Pregnancy Signs:

  3. well i had a headache for 5 months whilst i was preg and nothing seemed to work!

    i was going up the wall.

    you need to do a blood test at this early stage if you want to confirm that you are preg.  urine tests usually take some time to pick it up.

    i guess you may dust and good luck

  4. just because the pregnancy test came out negative it doesn't  automatically mean that you aren't pregnant but the best way to find out for sure is to go get a blood test or try another test in about a week or sooner it might be that it's a little to see to tell.

  5. The fact that you were on the shot recently and that your head aches have lasted 2-3 weeks (where you would not have had any symptoms, too soon!), plus the negative test would prompt me to believe that you are not pregnant. However, you can wait a few more days and test again to be sure. Try to relax, stress can seriously delay your period. There is also such a thing as a 'phantom' pregnancy, where you may get most if not all pregnancy symptoms (including a missed or delayed period) without actually being pregnant. You can also check with your doctor to clear up any doubts and to put your mind at ease. Good luck!

  6. It is a possibilty that you can be pregnant. I did not find out that I was pregnant with my son until I was six months. I also had those headaches. You have to go to the doctor and get a blood test. I went to the emergency room and they gave me a urine test and they said that I was not pregnant. I advise you to go and get a blood test to be on the safe side.

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