
5 days late...still negative?!?

by  |  earlier

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I am now about 5 days late, and I just tested this morning still negative, not even a faint positive line. My b***s are huge and sorer then ever, I have little cramps but not like AF cramps, and my lower back hurts. I have no clue what is going on. I would really just like to get my period at this point so I can continue trying. Frustrated..




  1. Maybe you just ovulated late or you have a late implanter and you are prego. Why not see if the OB can get you in for blood work just to know for sure. Good luck.

  2. Hi Im 15 days late and when i was 12 days late I dont first response 6 days early and got 2 bfp but when i went to my doctor he said it was negative so do first response 6 days early there the best out there and for the doctors one I dont think it has picked it up yet good look and babydust to you please let me know how you get on

  3. I am about two weeks late and still negative. I am not sure what is going on either. I have signs of pregnancy but not Positive test. I have tested 3 times. Have you been on any new meds lately or stressed at all?

  4. I know how frustrated you are as i have experience this however after experiencing back pain etc it turned out that i had a mild infection that delayed my period i was so excited thinking that i had conceived but i did not want to do a test just incase it was negative but unfortunately that was the outcome keep trying and good luck x

  5. i was in the same boat as you were two weeks ago

    AF was ten days late !!!

    so just relax and AF will arrive the more you worry

    the more late she will be.

    if you are pregnant you probably dont have enough of

    the hormone in yet.

    so wait another wk and test again if she still isnt here

  6. Well, you may be just getting your period late - that happens. But those tests aren't always correct, you can get false negatives and false positives. Go to the OB, and see what he says.

  7. Give it 2 more days if still neg. go and see your doctor and do blood test.  I have my friend she missed her periods did HPT was neg. and when she did the blood test was positive and she was pregnant.  So relax and do it again on few days.  Good luck.

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