
5 facts!!!?

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give me 5 interesting facts about you !!!!

about me :

1: i ♥ the Jonas brothers

2: my birthday is in 7 days (June 14)

3:i have 2 sisters

4: I'm gonna be a freshman

5: And i want to be famous one day!!!




  1. i thought you were looking for interesting facts.  yours were kinda weak.

  2. 1. I have 9 brothers and sisters

    2. Im nearly 17

    3. i love reading more then any other hobbie

    4.  in my opinion text messaging is one of Gods greatest creations lol

    5. im a pentecostal

  3. 1) I'm g*y, but I still find girls attractive.

    2) I'm smarter than our school's valedictorian, but I'm ranked 40th.

    3) I'm determined to go out of state for school to get away from my  

        extended family, instead of my immediate family.

    4) My birthday is next Wednesday, followed by my Graduation on


    5) I'm the only white boy in my school in San Francisco.

  4. 1. I have 2 beautiful children.

    2. I own a daycare.

    3. I love collecting tattoos.

    4. I plan to buy a house in the near future.

    5. I love the summer.

  5. okayy =]

    1: i like any number that is divisible by 5

    2: i turned 15 on May 15th

    3: i get excited when someone offers me to go shopping with therm or when i'm going shopping

    4: i'm scared of failure

    5: i WANT to have at least 3 days with Skandar Keynes!

    PS: lol! this is kinda fun! =]

  6. 1) My birthday is october 20th 1992 =p

    2) I have a dog and a ferret

    3) I can put my arm on a table completely straight WITH my elbow being on the upper-side  

    4) I got in trouble less than a hour ago.

    5) I have 1 brother, 2 step-brothers, and a step-sister...and none of them live with me ;.;

  7. 1. never got chicken pox

    2. i like spinach pizza

    3. met Adam Levine from Maroon 5 and took a picture with my friends with him

    4. met George Gaytan, a guitarist, in San Antonio and got his autograph

    5. met the whole New Orleans Hornets team, and my cousin took a picture with Chris Paul

  8. 1. I have a 3 year old son

    2. I have a half sister

    3.I hate my job

    4. I got in a wreck one week ago

    5. I love animals

    Good enough? Good luck on being famous!

  9. 1. I am addicted to the website

    2. I have two slinky black cats

    3. I think goldfish and betta fish are some of the prettiest fish ever

    4. I work at PETCO and I hate it

    5. My Dad almost named me Lorelei when I was born.

  10. 1. i love the jonas brothers

    2. my birthday is 3 days after christmas

    3. i have 1 brother

    4. my best friends name is Lizzie

    5. i have one puppy named Maggie Mae

  11. 1. I fell asleep in a tree, once.

    2. I have a pet egg named Fredrika that I had in a 9th grade science experiment-- I just finished the tenth grade.

    3. I have a unicorn obsession.

    4. The only famous people I've met are nerdy and/or romance-novel esque. (Emerson Spartz, Ben Schoen, Harry and the Potters, Draco and the Malfoys, and Stephenie Meyer. I can't remember if I've met anyone else.)

    5. I bite the skin and pick the skin around my fingernails, but I never actually bite my fingernails themselves.

    The end. : )

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