
5 hour energy shot?!?

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i saw a commercial for this 5 hour energy drink thing and its supposed to give you no crash, and 5 hours of energy??? has anyone here tried it, what do you think about it?




  1. I play a lot of sports and im traviling from game to game yes I do use 5 hr energy but u dont get as much energy as u thing u would yes u do get vitamins and the other good stuff but it not as energy kicking is u would think it is, plus 5 hr energy even though all energy shots do taste bad i would have to say 5 hr energy has some of the worst taste ever but the other energy shots arent the tasty either but the are better, also it is true there is no crash at all which is good news for poeple that need the real energy.

  2. it's great i drink it all the time before work it's only vitamins and enzymes.

  3. I tried 3 different ones, and nothing.  It made my stomach feel upset like I needed to throw up.  I find that Juice Stop has energy powder that they can add to your smoothie that works wonderfully...but it makes you feel a bit shaky.

  4. My dad drinks half of one every day and usually gets tired after about 5 hours...

    It's makes his heart rate go faster, but it's not a BIG crash like drinking 3 redbulls or anything

  5. In regular energy it is the sugar that causes the crash. There is none in 5 Hour. They took the lead from XS Energy who pioneered the healthy energy drink over 6 years ago because of their success. 5 Hour though is just a shot and tasts pretty nasty. XS Energy is still an actual drink and tastes better than any other energy drink available.

    The reason for the 5 hours is easy. It is the B vitamins and caffeine. It has always been suggested to never take caffeine within at least 4 hours of going to bed becasue it will keep you up. Many people it is more like 5 - 6 hours. Combine that with the B vitamins which are esential fo energy and it is easy to see why XS Energy, 5 Hour Energy and Stacker 2's 6 Hour Power last for so long.

    Another trick to keeping the energy lasting longer is to drink water with it. Caffeine takes more water to process than the regular caffeinated drinks provide, especially the 5 Hours since there is hardly any water in the first place. This dehydrates us and causes us to be tired. Water is a natural energizer and can increase energy and motabolism by 3%. So if used to offset the caffein in these 3 healthy energy drinks then you can easily have energy for 5 hours plus.

    Personally prefer the XS Energy. I already said they are better tasting but they also have 13 varieties indluding caffeine free ones. They also have 100% guarantee on them. If they sound good ask me about them.

  6. Tastes bad, but works like a charm.

  7. ive had it once, it not very tasty buy yeh it kept me awake no crash

  8. I think it tastes bad and I don't crash from energy drinks so I just drink Monster.

  9. I have tried a small sip of it just to see what it tastes like... i'm not going to lie, it tastes pretty bad... but you're only really drinking it for a few seconds, so I could get over that.

    My husband works third shift, and he's always tired... he used to drink amp and monster type drinks, but he would need to drink them all night so he wouldn't crash.  That's because they have a ton of sugar and caffeine in them.

    the five hour energy drinks use vitamins and such instead of caffeine and sugar... so that's why there is no crash.  My husband LOVES these... he said that instead of feeling like he's on a caffeine high like monster, he just feels like he's had a good night sleep... and he doesn't crash, so he can usually get by with only one a night.

    he has tried the 5 hour and the 6 hour version and says he doesn't see a difference in the two...

  10. Well its not great tasting, but easily doable.  The energy is great though.  It is like when you have a really good reaction to coffee.  Way better than those energy drinks like Monster which seem to be to sugar based.  This is mental energy and it makes you feel great.

  11. my brother drinks that and id say it works good

    but your really not suppose to drink too much.

    i am pretty sure its not good for your body.

  12. idk i haven't tried it...but it sounds like it wouldn't work. if there was no crash i doubt you would even have energy. sounds too good to be true.

  13. it is great everything the commercial says it is
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