
5 hr energy?

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has anyone ever tried that 5hr energy stuff? does it work or is it just another drink that gives you a quick boost and then crashes you,or an energy drink that does nothing what so d**n ever?




  1. I'm not a big fan of it... it works. Kind of. I suppose it depends on your body and how it takes those kinds of things.  It totally works for me, and doesn't make me crash... it just doesn't work that long.

    I like Redline.  It gives me a rediculous energy rush that lasts for a good amount of time.  Only downside, it does make you crash.

    I prefer Redline over the 5hr energy though, because the 5hr energy just doesn't seem to work for and give me enough pep.  

    Again, i suppose it just depends on your body and how it takes these types of things.

  2. idk but ive seen them at gas stations everywhere. i wanna try it so bad. lol

    answer mine?;...

  3. I knew someone that took that, fell asleep while driving and got in an accident. Didn't seem like it had much effect on my boyfriend. He doesn't buy them anymore he gets AMP I think and ones called Headshot or something.

  4. Yes and no. You have to be careful when choosing energy drinks.  Some have a lot of sugar and really do not do anything.

  5. I haven't tried it, but the answers you've gotten have me convinced that I should try it next time I have two finals back-to-back lol.

  6. I tried it. It's pretty freaking intense. It's just a whole assload of caffeine, nothing more.

  7. it wakes you up and doesnt make you crash because im pretty sure theres no caffeine in it. and depending on the person, lasts 5 hours.

  8. I have not tried it myself but they did pattern their product after XS Energy which I do love and use. XS pioneered the healthy energy drink using B vitamins 6 years ago and is the 2nd largest selling behind Red Bull.

    These drinks (XS and 5 Hour) still have caffeine, as much as a regular cup of coffee, tons of B vitamins and other stimulants. They just don't have the calories or excessive sugar as regular energy drinks have.

    People often say some drinks don't work but that is becuse most people expect energy drinks and other things to keep them awake. There simply is no replacement for sleep. They are suppose to energize, NOT keep you awake. That being said though caffeine within 4 hours of going to bed can make it hard to sleep.

    Only regular energy drinks give you a quick boost and crash. That is a result of the sugar. Caffeine dehydrates and when dehydrated we do become tired and lethargic. So caffine will intensify a sugar crash. When I have enery dirnks I also drink water so that I don't get dehydrated.

  9. Yes and no, It seems to give me a quick boost of energy for lets say a half hour. In my opinion I wouldnt pay for such a worthless product, its a waste. I just usually go and drink a vitamin water "revive" whenvever I'm tired. It seems to boost up my energy. Its cheaper and if not the same, but more effective than 5hr energy.

  10. It is pretty good, it just like the commercial describes it.
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