
5 items that are substitute or complements?

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does anybody know any objects or ideas that are substitutes or complements?




  1. vcr's and video cassettes are compliments in consumption

    typwriters and secretaries are compliments in production

    coke and pepsi are substitutes in consumption

    linux mainframes and windows mainframes are substitutes in production

  2. coke and pepsi = substitute

    McDonald's and KFC = substitute

    Skirt and Pant = Substitute

    Boxer and Brief = Substitute

    Spectacle and Contact Lense = Substitute

    Keyboard and Computer = Complement

    Battery and Handphone = Complement

    Pencil and Lead = Complement

    Printer and Paper = Complement

    Car and Fuel = Complement

  3. I have some more easy examples.

    1. Pen & Ink (Complementary Goods)

    2. Bat & Ball (Complementary Goods)

    3. Car & Petrol (Complementary Goods)

    4. Rice & Wheat (Subsitute Goods)

    5. Tea & Coffee (Subsitute Goods)

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