my son has pretty bad spit up on a daily basis. his stomach cramps him too i can tell, its not sever to where he is screaming, but i know it can get uncomfortable to him. he is 5 months old. i asked my Dr about it, she wasnt concerned at all..probably cus he is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. but i still dont like how much he spits up all the time. its huge splats. i know its acid reflux and his stomach muscles. but he is on enfamil lipil right now, if i changed to enfamil for babies who spit up, that i see at the store could that be a little easier on him and help reduce his spits/pukes? i know my dr will not prescribe a spec. formula or tell me to change she wasnt worried at all. should i just stick w/ what i'm doing or change? and if i should change, should i go with the enfamil with the cereal (for babies who spit up) in it? i dont really want to go soy, i'm thinking about some of the other things enfamil has...any thoughts?