
5 month old has big spit up on a frequent and daily basis?

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my son has pretty bad spit up on a daily basis. his stomach cramps him too i can tell, its not sever to where he is screaming, but i know it can get uncomfortable to him. he is 5 months old. i asked my Dr about it, she wasnt concerned at all..probably cus he is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. but i still dont like how much he spits up all the time. its huge splats. i know its acid reflux and his stomach muscles. but he is on enfamil lipil right now, if i changed to enfamil for babies who spit up, that i see at the store could that be a little easier on him and help reduce his spits/pukes? i know my dr will not prescribe a spec. formula or tell me to change she wasnt worried at all. should i just stick w/ what i'm doing or change? and if i should change, should i go with the enfamil with the cereal (for babies who spit up) in it? i dont really want to go soy, i'm thinking about some of the other things enfamil has...any thoughts?




  1. me son does that too, usually once every two days.  When he gets really hyper, then he pukes.  

  2. My son spit up a lot too at first he's 10 months old now. His Dr. told me to reduce the amount of formula I was giving him at one time and to sit him up as much as I could while holding him during his feedings. Ofcourse by reducing the amount you give him means he will want to eat more often. At that time my son was eating 4 oz every 3-4 hours I reduced his formula to 2-3 oz and he wanted to then eat every 2 hours. Gradually I increased his formula back up to 4 oz but he still eats every 2 hours during the day but he stopped spitting up when I did all that. I also gave my son gripe water mixed in with a bottle of formula whenever his stomach was hurting him, just follow the directions on the bottle if you try it. I bought it at a pharmacy. It worked wonders. It helps with upset stomach and gas.  My son's Dr. told me if the spitting up is projectile then there may be a need for concern, but my son's wasn't projectile. If your son's is and you've told that to his Dr. you might want to re-think his Dr. and get him another one. But if you try these different things that people tell you and that his Dr. tells you and nothing seems to work go back and talk to his Dr. again, if that don't help definitely take him to another Dr. Good Luck!!! I hope he starts doing better soon!!!

  3. Are you perhaps over feeding? Try smaller feeds and a different formula.

  4. There is a meat based formula called Nutramigine (Sorry about the spelling). My son was the same way and even though he was big he was uncomfortable and not a happy baby. Also, try giving him some onion tea. I know it sounds weird but it works. Something to do with the onions it makes them relax their muscles. Boil cut up onion and then add some sugar. It really works, my son is a happy two year old and stopped having problems when the tea was introduced. Good luck and try and get a new doctor also. You need one that will listed to you and not just dismiss you.

  5. Try Enfamil AR Lipil for babies that spit up. It helps alot!!

  6. Sometimes the doctor is just the doctor.  YOU are his mother.  If you feel like there is a problem, your concerns need to be adressed.  You are the one with your baby all day long, not the doctor.  Sometimes numbers don't tell you everything.  Even if he is in the 90th percentile, that doesn't mean he's just stuck spitting up all the time.  I would switch to the formula that's for babies who spit up frequently.  The only difference is that it's got a little bit of rice added, so it's a little thicker.  I would start out with a small container (wouldn't buy the big can at first) and see how he takes to it.  You may even have to go to soy.  Personally, I think the first one will work.  But just remember, every baby is different, and you are the only one who knows YOURS!  

  7. soy formula. try that. both of mine were on soy and they're fine.

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