
5 month old not very well?

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she has had the same milk since birth




  1. Hi there, sounds very much like colic to me and yes it's better to see the doctor and get some medicine for her wee tummy stomach upsets and bugs can raise the temperature a bit. the drawing up of the knees is a sure sign of colic so she needs something from the doctor to get rid of all that painful gas stored up in her tummy. Don't worry a couple of days and she'll be as right as rain again.

    Edit; to soothe her try a gentle tummy massage and then holding her across your forearm tummy down across your forearm the palm of your hand supporting her chest gently rub her back to give some relief.

  2. She Might Be A Colic?

  3. Hiya,constipation can make babies really unwell (even with a temp), has she filled her nappy recently?If she hasn't try some fresh orange juice in some cooled, boiled water and she'll go soon enough.If she has been though I'd take her to your doctor just to have her checked over.I'm sure she's fine it's just horrible she can't tell you what's wrong bless her.....babies worry you senseless don't they,hugs to you both x*x

  4. i would say its teething. ty some ashton and parsons sachets - i had them in boots. its a herbal powder you can either pour into her mouth or ub onto her gus. because its herbal, you can give her it more frequently than medician.

  5. A baby's temperature will go up when stressed. Why they tend to have a bit of a temperature when they are teething. It's the same with adults, when you get flustered and stressed over something the excess blood pressure raises your temperature ever so slightly. Probably just a bit of gas, call your nurse at the docs office, they will probably say to give her some infant gas drops. Check to see if her top teeth are coming in.  

  6. She is probably sickening for something and it will probably out in a day or so.  Because you are her mum you know it's coming before a doctor does.  Keep a watchful eye and phone the doctor right away if you are concerned.  It is always better to be safe than sorry.

  7. She could be teething again, or she could be having issues with the milk and just a bug. Try Mylicon if you can find it, usually health food stores carry it, but it helps with gassy and upset tummies.

  8. could be a wee virus in her tummy but the fact you says she has sore tummy and the high temp going up and down could be gastroanteritus (i think thats how u spell it).

    i am not a doc the only advice i am giveing you is that of a 7 year old who at the same age had the same thing what i would do is take her to the local kids hospital cause we were told if her temp goes over 37 then get her in  

  9. She could be allergic to the milk. My friends baby had terrible trouble till she switched to soya based milk. take her to the docs just to be sure. She might just have a fever.  

  10. Having alot of wind and pulling her legs up in pain can mean that she is a little bit constipated. This is quite common in babies when they are teething. As is them having a temperature and being quite clingy. I would try her on boiled water that will help with her constipation or you can buy gripe water to put in her milk which is quite good. I would keep giving her the baby paracetamol to help bring down her temperature and maybe give her some teething gel. If you don't see some improvement phone your health visitor in the morning. She should be fine as long as she is still drinking and having wet nappies.  

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