
5 month old with recurring hives???

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My 5 month old has been getting hives on his arms and legs over the last week. Not covered with hives, just a few here and there. He also has some eczema on his back. My 4 year old has a peanut allergy. I thought my 2 year old had a milk protein allergy. With her, she had mucus and blood in stool at 8 months. I cut out all dairy from my diet and hers. It seems to have resolved itself and she is now on dairy with no problems. Do you think it could be dairy that my breastfed-only 5 month old is reacting to? Should I be cutting it out of my diet? or is it more likely to be environmental? Any information would be appreciated!




  1. Got any pets???  What are the farmers chopping down right now, or what weeds/ flowers are in season?  They might be the culprit... My bf get hives that arn't that bad but reoccuring from certain soaps and liquid fabric could be such a broad amount of things.  As for the eczema, I have that and Extra Strength Vasaline works for me, but skin test it on babies wrist, before applying it to the whole body!

  2. you could try the no dairy for about a week or so and see if it clears up if not have the doc do an allergy test to find out what it could be.

    have you changed any soaps that are used like laundry or body wash lately cause that to could cause it when my hubby was younger he was allergic to powdered tide he would break out all the time if his mom used it. me i was allergic to mashed potatoes sounds funny but true i could eat any thing else that was potato but not mashed but i got over it. my little bro is allergic to lavender and we did not know this till my mom tried that bedtime bath stuff that has lavender in it and he broke out like crazy. best of luck hope you find the cause of it soon  

  3. take your baby to an allergy specialist to get tested. I just did and found out i'm allergic to 6 things. crazy!!!

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