
5 months left to capture Osama bin Laden, solve global warming, bring Peace to the Mid East. Can Bush do it?

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"Showing video clips of Bush promising to accomplish various feats by the 'end' of his presidency -- such as capturing Osama bin Laden, addressing global warming, and solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- Stewart quipped, 'What, does the president think he's in college?' "




  1. ONE out of 3 ain't bad--bin Laden in the October Surprise!!!

  2. All of that has been done. Have you not been paying attention? Gas prices are down, unemployment down, the world loves America, terrorism is no longer, Iraq is peaceful, the terrorist that had been hiding & waiting under your bed has been eliminated. All thanks to Bush/McCain. Don't believe me, look under the bed and see if a terrorist is there. Rest soundly tonight courtesy of your friendly Republican.  

  3. Clinton couldn't do it in 8 years either, so why is this all on Bush's plate. At least Bush did do something, and not chase interns around the white house for 8 years like your buddy slick the womanizer.  

  4. He's gonna need a montage.

  5. Osama is dead.

    Global Warming is a hoax.

    Muslims are fanatical and Israel aint much better.

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