
5 months old vomiting after every feed?

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My 5 months old baby has suddenly stared t get little bit vomit after every meal. He will throw while taking first burp...or may b later when somebody lift him. We are so scared of lifting him up on shoulder even after 30-40 mins of meal.

If he s laying on his back after meal and playing when u pick him up he throws.

The vomit is usually in little amount. But i know its not good sign. Somebody else have faced it ever?




  1. is he spitting up or vomiting? there is a difference. all babies spit up a little bit, but if he is truly "vomiting" forcefully as an adult does then you need to contact your pediatrician.

  2. Does he cry?If so he may be lactose intolerant.You will have to use soy.It is not unusual to spit up at all,but your Dr. is there for a reason.You should never feel you are bothering him or asking too many questions.Let him work for his BMW.Set up an app. with him and make sure.You cannot(should not)put a price on your child's safety.GL to you and baby

  3. Our 1 month old has the same issue. I've read about the reflux. Could be that or something as simple as he is getting to much air when he eats. Try a different bottle and burp him throughout the meal, not just afterwards. Also my wife found this ginger water stuff at the drug store that is supposed to help with colic. Seems to help. Good luck.

  4. i agree with reflux..

    my son had it. if you put a scoop of rice cereal in the bottle that'll help the formula to stay down.

    see the ped. asap

  5. Maybe speak to your health nurse/doctor, to make sure all is ok with bub. My little girl has suffered reflux since birth, which it's really bad now, she will throw up after a bottle, i then have to keep her upright for at least 30 mins after a feed, even after i move her to bed, onto playmat, or in car seat she will vomit and not a small amount i mean big vomit, and this can go on until next feed 3 hours later so maybe bub may have a little bit of reflux..?? I really hope they dont. Good luck!

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