
5 of 5. "From your personnel experience," what has influenced yeast performance the most?

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Examples: temperatures, pH, cell count...

I had fun with your answers when I brewed with my husband recently. I just recited your answers and he just stared blankly at me. Not a one to be fooled he quizzed me further. He knew I have a strong science background but limited beer knowledge. We had a laugh, thanks to the beer people.

I will brew a solo all grain this weekend. I am SOOO nervous.

Thanks all...




  1. From my extensive experience, < a year LOL, temperature and amount of yeast. Yeast in beer brewing requires a certain temperature to make the beer of proper style. So I control at first in a water bath and now in an old refer.

    I sometimes repitch my yeast so I have a huge amount of it. It really takes off and an over-sized fermenter or blow-off is best.

  2. From my personal experience, as I do not have personnel working for me, I have found that the temperature that I start my yeast at has the biggest effect on the action in my primary fermenter.

    I also like the answers I have seen from you in various pages.

  3. Temperature (imperative) and aeration are going to be the two main factors as you get in to brewing.  Further down the road things like pH, cell count, and proper nutrition are going to be considerations you can make in an effort to nit-pick the quality of your beer.  Personally I don't pay much attention to pH (plays more in to mashing than yeast utility), I always grow up yeast at least 24 hours in advance, and I use yeast nutrient when I remember to.

    Glad to hear brewing is going well.  I wouldn't be nervous about a solo brew but I find that it helps to do a "dry run" prior to brewing so that you know that everything is good to go and that things are where they need to be.  Check lists are good too.

  4. Making a good, oxygenated yeast starter.

    Also, making sure your wort is oxygenated (BEFORE adding the yeast), AND good temp control

  5. My results have been greatly improved over the years by using a viable strong yeast in high numbers, with plenty of oxygen injection and proper & steady temperature control.

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