
5 pos preg tests...scared to believe it...I don't want to be disappointed

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my hubby and I have been trying to have a baby for almost 2 years now. I took my third month of clomid in the beginning of July. I am on day 38 of my cycle and I took 2 tests 2 days ago, 2 yesterday, and one today. There are 2 different brands and All of them are positive. Is there ANY way that they could be wrong? My hubby refuses to get too excited and I don't go to the Dr. until the 19th. I want to be happy and have my hubby be happy too. I guess I'm just needing some positivity from somebody. (sorry for going on and on)




  1. A false positive is so incredibly rare... I think it's very safe to say that you are pregnant. You should make an appointment with your doctor right away. Congrats!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!

    A + is a + is a + is a +. And even moreso if you've got five of them :).

    Congrats, Mommy! :)

  3. yeh, go mama go mama

  4. 5 positive pregnancy test i would say your pregnant, congrats and all the best for the future xx

  5. its very rare to get a false positive, however since it is in your mind and you really want it there have been cases when people have psychological pregnancies so i would suggest to wait and get a blood test...Congratulations

  6. 5 positive pregnancy tests can't be incorrect. You can get a false negative in pregnancy tests but getting a false positive (that too 5 of them) is VERY unlikely. I'm sure you are pregnant. Congratulations & Good luck.

  7. LOL!  Your question made me laugh, I was EXACTLY the same way!  For sure you are pregnant, Congrats!  Enjoy every momment of it!

  8. Five positive tests are NOT false!  You can call your ob/gyn and ask him to order a blood test for you to confirm.  I'm in the exact same boat as you, It took two years, I took clomid starting July 3rd, and now I'm preggers.  I'm already throwing up, so get ready!

  9.     Positive test cannot be can get a false negative if levels are not high enough at time the test it taken.

        Congrats on your pregnancy!!

  10. It's EXTREMELY unlikely to get even one false positive from a pregnancy test, let alone five! You are VERY likely to be pregnant!!! Congratulations and best wishes to both of you!!

  11. LOL- i took 5 test too. and now im 6 weeks preggers....

    CONGRATS mama!!!  

  12. I am a medical assistant and work in a Dr's office. I had a similar situation come up with another couple hoping to conceive. She was pregnant and I would say that you certainly are.

  13. false positives rarely ever happen with pregnancy test and although false negatives can happen often. I understand you not getting excited but i would say let yourself enjoy the success of getting pregnant

  14. Your doctor should not ask you to wait.  You can have a pregnancy test done at his office immediately and find the answer immediately.  No point in waiting.  Get your answer and then keep your appointment.

  15. false positives are very rare

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