1. The two main parts of a psychrometer are
A. a rain guage and a measuring stick
B. a wet bulb thermometer and a dry bulb thermometer
C. a collecting funnel and a measuring tube
D. a set of cups and a spinning axle
2.The farther you live from an ocean, the more likely your climate will be?
A. marine climate
B. tropical climate
C. continental climate
D. subtropical climate
3. Landslide, mudflows, slumps, and creep are all examples of
A. mechanical weathering.
B. runoff
C. mass movement
D. soil formation
4. Water erosion begins when runoff rainfall flows in a thin layer over the land in a kind of erosion called
A. mass erosion
B. sheet erosion
C. creep
D. gullying.
5. A river flows across a wide flood plain begins to from a looplike bends called
A. rills
B. menders
C. outside curves
D. deltas.