
5 weeks ago i purchased 2 dumbo rats, both boys one albino, one is fine now but the albino will not interact /

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the larger black & white rat is excellent, the albino is shy, doesnt like being held & always runs away, dont know what else to try now..please can you hlep ?




  1. Rats have very diverse personalities. Dumbo rats are generally very friendly, but you will get those that are a little shy. It might be that your other rat is bullying your albino and that is making him shy. The best thing to do is to handle your rats frequently and equally. You may also consider using treats (such as crackers and veggies) to help lure your albino into trusting you.

    Don't show either preferential treatment, but be patient with both of them and watch your shy one for odd, unhealthy behavior (frequent sneezing, runny poo, etc). Health problems can lead to a rat being shy and skittish, so be careful.

    Finally, don't force your albino to interact if he really just doesn't want to. That can lead to aggression and could even cause your two rats to fight. Give him time and be patient with him.

    Good luck. If you have any other questions, message me.

  2. I disagree with the use of peanut butter as a treat. Peanut butter is extremely sticky, difficult to swallow and rats can easily choke on it.

    I agree with the idea of using treats to win over a ratties trust. I've had some very shy rats in the past and over time I was able to lure them out with a dab of yogurt on the finger and Yogies everyday. After a while, I suppose I won their trust when they continued to groom me well after the yogurt had disappeared.

    Take your time with it, and like "Blackhorn" said, don't force him to spend time with you. Let him go at his own pace.

  3. my rat did that at first and so i reaserced it and it said every time you go in there give them treats,or put some penut butter on your fingure and let them l**k it if your fingure that way they cant just run off with it.he will eventually get use to you

    ok yes penut butter is kinda dangerouis but i read in a book called the world of rats that you put a little in a container and put a few drops of water in it and shake it around it will make it less sticky,sorry for not adding that little detail

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