
5 weeks left & Braxton hicks all the time & cramping& 1cm dilated how long do i have?

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5 weeks left & Braxton hicks all the time & cramping& 1cm dilated how long do i have?




  1. There is no way to tell how long you have left. It's whenever the baby wants to come. I'm 39 weeks 1 day and having contractions, but no baby yet.

  2. There is no way to tell.

  3. 5 weeks left?  It could be tomorrow it could be in 6 weeks - no way of knowing for sure. Everyone is different. Sometimes it's a family history thing - so ask your MOM if she delivered early or on time or late - daughters often follow suit.

    1 cm dilated ain't much and it could remain that way for weeks - so be patient.  It'll happen when the baby and your body is ready for it.

  4. braxton hicks go on for weeks...all they do is strengthen your abdomen muscles for when you go through real labor. and the one centimeter dilation is also really common through the end of the pregnancy.

    it's impossible to know how much longer. my water broke with no prior warning like contractions at 38th weeks and 2 days for BOTH my pregnancies. it was really weird.

  5. vvho knovvs! I vvas dialated to 3cm for a month before I had my baby. finally had him at 38vvks, so they can surprise you and come quick or stay in longer then you think, they just come vvhen its time and no one knovvs exactly vvhen that time is, you can only guess.

  6. 5 weeks.  Not to be funny, but you'll probably be right on time.  The anticipation is overwhelming, huh?

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