
5 weeks pregnant is this normal?!?

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Hi everyone. I know I am going to sound like a worry wart but ive got a few questions maybe I can get some input. Well I just found out that i'm pregnant about 3 days ago, well I was just wanting to know if what i'm experiencing is "normal". Ive been having some pinching like pains that last for like 30 seconds to a minute and they don't seem to be in any specific spot down there. It's happening about 1 or 2 times a day but it's worrying me. Also my back just on one side hurts. Is this stuff normal or am I just freaking out? lol One more for all you Mommy's out there is there any like home remedy's for this all the time nausea I been getting? lol thanks in advance!




  1. First of all, congratulations!

    Second, it is normal to have pain and cramping in your lower abdomen and back during early pregnancy.  Your body is being flooded with pregnancy hormones, and is responding in various ways.  Your uterus and the ligaments that hold it in place are starting to stretch and grow, which can feel crampy, and your joints and ligaments are already starting to loosen, which can cause you some pain also.  Unless you have severe cramping (worse than your worst period), and/or bright red bleeding that contains clots or is heavy enough to fill a pad, you shouldn't worry.  Nausea is also perfectly normal.  Try keeping food in your stomach at all times -- eat small amounts frequently.  I have had good luck with eating lots of protein-rich foods (cheese, milk, yogurt, nuts, meat, etc), but every woman is different.  If your nausea gets so bad that you can't keep anything down (even water), your doctor may be able to prescribe something to help you, but otherwise it's just one of those things we have to deal with.  

    Congrats again, and good luck!

  2. I can say that this is all normal.  Your hormones are whirling at the moment!!  With regards to nausea, try ginger.  It works for many but didn't work for my 3 pregnancies.  The only thing that worked for me were the Love Hearts candies.  They worked for both nausea and heartburn.  Try to eat lightly and frequently, and rest every now and then.  Take things easy and I hope you have a great pregnancy.  

  3. Pinching like pains are not the symptoms of pregnancy.Nausea will end  at the 12th.week.

  4. sure it is normal

  5. Yes that's normal try resting a bit more. I would say salt worked for me but its not good for you during pregnancy.  

  6. Hi! Congrats momma! I am 6wks today, and I too had the exact "pinching" pains. Also had weird cramping. Nothing excruciating of course. It does go away. Mine lasted about 4 days. I dont have any nausea, so i cant help there, but good luck :)

  7. You are going to be feeling all sorts of weird things down there...just get used to't pay to much attention to them because you will make yourself crazy with the "what ifs"!! If you start to feel PAIN call your doctor or go to the e.r. The first symptom for me was back pain then came a little nausea. What helped me with stomach pain was not getting really full and not going to long without eating. I kept saltines and pretzels with me at all times. I never had nausea real bad hopefully you don't either!

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