
5 weeks pregnant.. what's going on?

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I am 5 weeks pregnant and everything has been good up until today. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped, the toliet paper had brown, stringy, thick stuff on it and some brown spotting. What is going on? I'm really freaking out, this is my first pregnancy and I've been ttc over a year now. Has this happened to anyone, and what was the outcome?




  1. I'm 6 weeks pregnant and experiencing the same brown-textured discharge for about 4 days now.  I asked some of my friends who recently had babies and they said it's normal and have delivered beautiful healthy babies.  I even googled it and some women reported brown discharge up until the 2nd trimester and still delivered healthy babies. I wouldn't stress to much about it but you should make an appointment to make sure everything is okay in there. I think as long as there is no bright red blood it's okay

  2. Some people spot throughout pregnancy and this may be what you're doing, is there any pain associated with it?  Call your obgyn just in case.  They should have a 24 hr emergency line.  If you want you can e-mail me questions about it...

  3. You should probably call your doctor and ask them about it.  It may be normal, but it could be a sign that something is wrong.  I would ask them to do an ultrasound.  Good luck.

  4. Spotting. Brown blood is old blood. Could be delayed implantation bleeding. Spotting is relatively common in the first trimester, especially the early weeks, and unless it gets heavier, red, or is accompanied by pain / cramping there is nothing to really worry about. But always call your doctor if you are unsure.

  5. The doctor told me that some spotting is normal.  I am only 7 weeks and I have spotted off and on.  She said it was ok as long as it wasn't bright red or wasn't accompanied by sharp cramping pains.  What the nurse told me was that it could be a luteal  cyst. The last time it happened to me was around 6 weeks and nothing since.  It also took us a year to conceive so I fully understand how worried you are.  I wish you the best and if you want to email me feel free to do so.  I am due April 16,2009.

  6. Usually, when it's brown it is nothing to be concerned about.  Usually that means it's old blood.  If it is bright red with clots...that is a concern.  Although, I would still call your doctor just to make sure.  Maybe they will take you earlier to make sure everything is okay.   I spotted at about 5 weeks and everything is fine so far (12 weeks pregnant.) Good luck.

  7. Your body is just cleaning what is left out! If you are worried call your OBGYN and see what is going on! Well Good Luck if you did not see blood i would not worry!

  8. I'm sorry i have never been pregnant before, but i think you should go to the hospital just to make sure everything is okay.

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