
5 women buried alive in Balochistan. Are Muslims outraged?

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There only crime was they wanted to marry some one off their choice!

Muslims make a big show of how they fight oppression and injustice. Where is the outrage? No demonstrations or even mild protests any where in the Muslim world. On the contrary the Baloch elected leader (do not care to recall the dogs name) defends in parlament the Baloch custom! We simply cannot live on the same planet. Forget abt these monsters declaring JIhad on the free world. Let us declare war on them. Bloody hypocrities. Go ahead report me u b******s and suspend my account




  1. If some people in this thread had read even the simplest article on this, they would know that people did try to stop this happening but the perpertrators had guns,and a great deal of power (over even the police). Even so some police have spoken about the issue but not registered the incident. It is easy to say how brave you would be in such circumstamces and then keep sitting safe in your PC chair.

    The issue is not to do with the Muslim faith, it is an unacceptable cultural issue which needs a great deal of support both inside and outside the country to stop this happening. Stop lumping everybody who is of a particular faith together as if they are one thing and try to do something> You might want to do don't even have to get up to do it:

  2. muslims are puppets for their leaders , they stand for nothing .they prove that everyday  

  3. thumbs up.

  4. I agree.

    I don't like any religion, they are bad for society.  But the Muslim religion is by far the worst right now.

  5. Peace and blessings be upon  you.

    Where you heared or read about that?!

    Burying female baby alive was from the habits of people before the message of Mohammed and Islam came withe message of honor the woman and giving her the rights to share in the all aspects of life and to take her rights in the life as a humanbeing as the man.

    And if what you say is real , this of course will be a crime against the islamic laws and values and none of us accept it.

    I'm a muslim woman and i study at the university and share in many aspects of life by may opinion and my work ,i talk and discuss ,not as i live in an open society but as this is what may religion call me to do .

    In most cases all what you read is wrong and have only one aim which is to spread wrong idea about Islam.

    You shouldn't suspect that we fight the corruption and carry out the justice as it is what our religion teach us that.

  6. Muslims are always outraged.

  7. You show them!!!


  9. Sad to say, that kind of barbarity isn't unusual in the world of islam.

  10. If I were you, I would just shut the h**l up until you meet some Muslim people for yourself.

    It's not like Christianity is perfect. We're in Iraq because God told Bush that this is what he needed to do. What a nut job.

    I think that organized religion in general is evil.

  11. I agree that islam does have flaws regarding ethics. I'm not sure a global war would solve anything though

  12. Yes, these things happen, but don't confuse tradition with religion.  I'll tell you why; I'm a muslim from asia but born and raised in the states.  my cousin married a muslim from pakistan.  things that he thinks are 'the rules' are actually just Pakistani tradition.  Then I married a North African muslim; he does things differently too!!!  He's just able to admit that a lot of what they do in his country is tradition, not the 'rules'.  It's just a shame that in many of these countries they don't have the freedom to protest.  You know, dictatorships and all that, and then yes they claim to be 'good' muslims.  Hypocrisy is alive and well in all religions though, not just Islam, and the way to declare 'jihad' on it is through education.  Why would anyone want to report you?  You should be outraged, as I am.  But where the h**l is Balochistan?  Never heard of it...although, all the 'Stan's' are in the east.

  13. Good Question. Overall you should probably try something/someone new! . Check out - Express Your Daily Frustrations

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