
5 year old's development - normal or abnormal?

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- Lack of vocabulary skills (still babbles, hard to understand most of the time, only a few discernible words, can only count to 5, doesn't know ABCs)

- Behavioral tantrums like that of a toddler - screams, runs away, still shows signs of compulsivity like that of a younger child (hates taking turns, etc.)

- Overall physically healthy and up to date on vaccinations

Do you think anything is wrong with this child? And no, this is not my child, but is a child I do know. I'm just curious to see what people think or see if any one has any experience or professional expertise.




  1. Probably Autistic. My 5 yr old is autistic and we got him help at the age of 2. Early intervention is the key. Please tell his parents to have him tested so he can develop. He needs speech and occupational therapy. See a Neurologist!

  2. aspburger's syndrome...... a high functioning form of autism, (there are different levels to autism, not just the nonverbal which most everyone associate's autism with.

  3. That child is retarded... and it's more than MILDLY retarded.

  4. I was going to guess possibly he's on the autistic spectrum...until you mentioned he plays well with others. Reading over your list of symptoms again, I'd suggest the parents make sure the child's hearing is good. Poor hearing would explain a lot of the behaviors you mentioned.

  5. Instead of making guesses about this child he should be taken to a specialist for testing.  Any doctor or pediatrician should be able to recommend someone that can perform tests for the child.

    It is easiest to deal with a difficult child if one knows exactly what they are dealing with and can start intervention early.  Some speech classes may help with the language problem.  I would look at the parenting also.  If the child has outbursts of anger is he modeling what he sees his parents do or is he coming up with it himself?  

    There are so many factors that play into the development of a young one.  All children develop at their own pace.  There are so many specialists out there willing to help, I would get him an appointment.

  6. Definitely warrants an evaluation by a professional.

    He probably qualifies for a Developmental Delay diagnosis.  Sounds like the primary concern would be about his ability to receive and express speech. As was already written, he may have a hearing impairment - but it sounds like there is more to than just that.  

    Impossible to say for sure what the issue is. I would have to say "abnormal".

  7. This child needs to be evaluated, but since you are not the parent, very tricky to give advice to the parents...

    If it was my kid I would have it's hearing tested first, not just in the pediatrician's office with 10 screaming babies outside but by an audiologist. Babblling at this late stage is a real red flag. If that comes bak normal, Then I would have eval for Aspergers syndrome.

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