
5 year old acts and talks like a baby???

by  |  earlier

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we noticed since he was in preschool he was this way i seen the other kids they talked right but my son still talked like a baby didnt know what words to use in a sentence so we figured he grow out of this well hes now in kindergarten and hes the same way he also is very very shy he doesnt talk to people he gets very nervos when people approach him and he likes to run around alot like babies do when his cousins come over he does that even at school. im really scared he might be slow. i need advice on how to handle this we give him so much love we try and help him out by talking better and talking to people but he hasnt changed. does anybody know is their any resources i can go to ?? if anyone can help me out that would be great i need as much info as i can get thanks. i have so many probz with him in school cuz he refuses to talk cuz hes so shy .




  1. Talk to your child's doctor about it, if it's not a medical condition, then I would say if your going to act like a baby then your going to be treated like a baby, I would also spank him and force him to have s*x with you if your the mother.

  2. Speak to the school/health advisor. Clearly you see reasons for concern with his development, no point in hiding from this, do all you can to find out what is what and support him to your best ability.

  3. I'm not trying to be rude by saying this but has he been tested for adhd add or Autism?? he might just want atteion too....

  4. I am surprised that the school hasnt stepped in and requested he be tested. if it is a public school then there may be so many kids in the class that the teacher doesnt consider him as a big concern (which is a mistake) if thats the case then you may request a testing done on your child from the school free of charge, they have to accomadate him because of the no child left behind act.

    other than that, talk to a pediatrician to see what you can do to get services for him. its really hard to say since you didnt indicate what else there is (does he know his alphabet, how does he communicate with , does ha make eye contact)

    and dont worry if he is delayed, he is a gift that you probally wouldnt have any other way.

  5. idk.. my brother does that purposely, but he is super intelligent. like i cant believe some of the things that 5 year old says lol (not cuss words, but big words)

  6. You need to discuss all this with your pediatrician, or ask if there is a speech therapist available at his school.

  7. Do you have another son/daughter ? he might be wanting to get more attention out of his  parents because he is not getting the same amount before you had another child

  8. You can have him tested privately outside of school to see if he has a type of learning disability which could cause children to advance much slower than others.

    That would be the first step and once the results are in take it from there..

  9. Take the child to the doctor!!!

  10. Please talk to your child's doctor. If he or she feels that an evaluation is in order, it should be done as soon as possible. If you do not have health insurance, then work with the school. They are mandated to pay for testing it there is a disability that is hindering his academic progress.

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