
5 year old in a modling contest and pagents.?

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ok so my niece is 5 years old and i have a few questions actually. Like i said shes 5 years old and she wants to b in pagents and cheerleading. so on sunday there is a modling search comeing to town and she has a few bumps on her face so i was gonna put a lil make up on her just enough to cover the bumps n not nuff to make it look like she has make up. she is this wrong to do on a 5 year old?

and is she too young to do modling and pagents? she is 5 years old and before u ask, were not pushing her. shes the one who asked to be in them.

and last question...

If you have experiance in modling interviews, what are some questions they will ask her and what can we do to prepare her for her 1st modling interview?




  1. Why would they have them if it is not right? If she wants to do them, just go ahead and let her. Modeling could be fun but don't let her do it as a career when she gets older because it wioll be like selling herself. But as a kid, it is just something fun she can do. Don't overschedule her. Make sure she likes it before you put her in more photo shoots ar pageants. Tell her you are just putting make up on her because she has a few bumps. Say no lipstick or blush or eyeshadow if she asks. They want to see her as a natural fisrt. Maybe after that they will put make up on her. They probably dont care about the bumps. I dont know what they ask 5 year olds but it will be a good experience for her.

    Have fun!!!!!

  2. If she wants to be a model let her try for it. just don't get so caught up in it yourself that if she wants out you make her stay in

  3. Well we have a friend and her daughter does modeling.

    First thing. Do not get her all frillied up. Basic black stretch capri's or shorts and a tank top. This allows them to see her size. Hannah Montana type outfits do nothing for these people. Leave the Limited Too clothes at home.

    They will ask her personality type questions, "Do you like school? What things do you like to do? Why do you want to model? Who do you look up to? do you like getting your picture taken?" And other questions along those lines.

    They might say, "Can you give me a happy face? A sad face? Your favorite pose? Etc.

    It's best to leave her bumps on her fact alone. They will see through the makeup and trust me- blemishes and bumps don't matter so much. They can fix it.

    Take in 4 to 5 (8x10) photos. Full body and closeups.

  4. Don't do it! -see the other question.

  5. As long as she knows all about the situation:

    - that she doesn't have to do it,

    -It don't make mommy suddenly love her more.

    -That who you are on the inside is far more important.

    -Its better to be good in school and get a job than to rely on this all her life.

    - and being pretty doesn't make you better than anyone else.

    It may make her feel good but at that age she doesn't need to be caught up in it, Usually they just want plain kids, and clothes or whatever their modelling are the focus of the pictures.

    for preparation, dress her plainly, nice pretty but plain clothes. Interviews don't matter much, they just need to see she's not shy...

  6. id stand back and let her do what she wants with it. No the makeup was what was best ofr the situation, you would fix the lace on tap shoes if they broke right before a recital right? anyways, just watch out and dont become the "pagent mom"

  7. honestly, parading little girls around like that sort of makes me feel a little revolted. adult women who model make me feel a little sick too. some of them will do anything to be "beautiful". trust me. slathering chemicals on your face, fixing signs of aging with plastic, and all that stuff is just a little ridiculous. if you cant leave the house without make up on and your hair done, you apparently dont have much in your life to be worried about or proud of. everyone gets old, and who wants to be barbie? haha. however, if i had a little girl that wanted to do it, i would certainly let her and support her and help her out. (and secretly hope she didnt like it after all. lol) and the stuff i mentioned above is also things i would discuss with her, although not in so many words, or too forcefully.

  8. It's perfectly fine for her to model and whatnot, but don't force her to stick with it if she decides it's not for her.

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