
5 year old will not wipe his bottom....?

by Guest67004  |  earlier

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What do I do to get my 5 year old to wipe his bottom? I've tried just about everything and he simply refuses.....please help




  1. Im having same prob--she wipes but not good enough. Wetr wipes for one and a reward system like stickers on a chart and at the end of a day or week (which ever you prefer) give something like 1 dollar toy or take out for ice cream and dont forget to rave about it on and on and on---make it the biggest deal ever and the will want that reaction again so you have better uck with them wiping in future.

  2. My son did the same thing. Ask him why he won't wipe himself. Mine said he was afraid he wouldn't "get all the p**p off" so I bought him some wet wipes that can be flushed and I watched him the first few times to make sure he got clean. The next problem I found was that when he started using toilet paper he used way too much because he was still afraid of not getting clean and stopped the toilet up everytime. So I showed him how many sheets to use (depends on the thickness of your paper) and told him to wipe until the paper was clean, it worked for us.

  3. Children, like all people work for rewards. I'd put up a little hand made chart in the bathroom. Every time he wipes and washes his hands I'd give him a sticker on the chart. When he gets a certain amount, say 10 he could get a little treat. It doesn't have to be anything big, maybe his favorite ice cream cone.

  4. have you tried buying some nice wipes? pampers do some fruit smelling ones. they can be flushed and do a far better job than paper.

    buy him his own big boy box, let him choose it and pay for it like a grown up. (you give him the cash...)

    make sure he knows how to wipe properly! and check the wipe to see if he's clean.

    my son started to wipe, used one piece of paper, got somewhere near his but and decided that was it. job done...

    we gave him wipes and showed him how to check. and use another wipe if needed. he's 4, and pretty good at wiping now.

    sometimes he rushes, as playing is far more important, but 9 out of 10 are good.

  5. Tell him he'll sit on that toilet until he wipes himself, it's what grown-up boys have to do.

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