
5 yr old son wants ears pierced....?

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my 5 year old son has just came up with the idea that he wants his ears pierced. I dont know where this is coming from (other then he has seen a few adult males with theirs pierced, but he also attends a prep school where none of the boys have pierced ears).. my answer to him was "no, maybe when your older" personally i dont see anything wrong with pierced ears, its temporary (can be taken out) and i think its cute.. but i know society is tottally against it, will judge me and my son .... so thats the main reason im telling him to hold off till hes older.. but the thing that keeps crossing my mind is if it was a girl then there would be no second thought... but that still leaves the fact that its socially unexceptable... comments.....




  1. Let him do it!!! I am a 12 yo guy and my parents wont let me.

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