
5 yr old stuck a q tip in his ear?

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my son recently stuck a q tip into his ear and it started bleeding.. I KNOW HE SHOULD GET TO A DOCTOR! i already called and they made an appt... so please no criticism about that. he did it on his own.. when he went to the bath room....his ear has been leaking clearish brownish fluid.. he still can hear.. but says it hurts now. but i was just wondering if any one has had this happen to their kids and what was the outcome...?




  1. When is his appt. He may have ruptured his ear drum. This is very painful. If your appt. isn't until later I would take him to the ER. Have him lie on his side with his ear againsist a pillow so no extra noise or air gets into it (this is what hurts). It will get better.  

  2. When did this happen? I wouldn't be waiting around for an appointment if my child couldn't hear and had fluid leaking. He'd be at the hospital now.

  3. The best thing to do is to take him to the ER immediately!

  4. take him to the emergency room NOW. why are you wasting type typing this ?? you should have been on your way to the hospital already

  5. Why would you wait for a doctors appointment?? Something could seriously be wrong with him. One of my friends did that when she was younger and now she can only hear a tiny little bit in that ear. You need to take him to the hospital ASAP!

    EDIT--- yea he may be able to hear now, and my friend did too for the first week but then her hearing started to go away. I'm not sure what type of answer you are looking for but we are just trying to help. And you just said he is in pain now so why wouldn't you take him in?

  6. Yeah, I'd definitely take him to the hospital. Especially if there is brownish fluid leaking out. You don't want it to get infected and if it already has, he needs to be treated right away.  

  7. He could have punctured the ear drum.   I would have had him at the hospital rather than sitting on the computer.  Just because he can here now doesn't mean there wasn't damage done.  

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